2 [first impression]

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Hello friends! Glad you stuck for the next chapter! Yes, I know the photo is of Niall! Nouis is always the best bromance!! 😜 Thank you for voting and commenting! Hope you enjoy!

Louis was a bit alarmed when he woke to London Calling by the classic British punk band The Clash. He quickly realized it was just his alarm, and quickly dismissed the alarm. He sat up and his hands through his messy brown hair. There was no avoiding this day. He had to go to school.

There was the task of getting dressed. Usually, Louis didn't care too much about what he looked like. But today seemed different. It was his first day. He had to look like he knows how to dress himself.

There was a moment where Louis thought about- he genuinely thought about wearing a button down and suspenders. He decided against it and quickly grabbed a shirt that says "the future is now" from his drawer and pulled it on himself. He then struggled to pull up some random pair of black skinny jeans. With the obvious choice of black vans.

Louis sighed as he glanced into the mirror. "This is as good as it's going to get, isn't it." He thought. He shook his head and just walked away. He carried out all the normal morning procedures, and stopped in the kitchen to grab a bagel or something.

His mother kissed him on the cheek. "Lottie is driving to school. You'll have to walk. It's only five minutes." She said with a sweet tone.

This made Louis give a "playful" groan. Even though he was actually bothered. His mum just gave a knowing look and patted his shoulder. "Sorry, love. I have to drive Fizzy to school now. Have a good day." His mum hugged him once more before rounding up his little sister and walking out the door. This left just Louis.

Louis decided to start his walk to school. He knew the way from driving, at least that. It wasn't a long walk, really. It was kind of chilly, but it was early October, so that was inevitable. He just sighed and turned the music blasting into his ears up just a little more, shoved his hands in his pockets, and picked up his pace a bit.

Sooner or later, Louis was drawing in a breath and opening the door to the High School in front of him. There was a moment he felt his heart dropped, or maybe stopped entirely, when he actually saw the giant mass of teenagers.

Here comes the hard part. He shoved his way through said body mass and into the front office. There was a mousy looking woman wearing a pantsuit with cateye glasses behind the counter. Her lips looked permanently pursed.

"Uhm, pardon me, can I get my schedule?" Louis asked in a soft voice. He wasn't generally shy, but there was something about a new school that just made him shrink.

The woman lifted her gaze to Louis (it wasn't much of a lift, really. They seemed to be the same height). She eyed him before giving him a sweet smile. "Whats your last name, young man?" She asked him.

"Erm, Tomlinson." He replied quickly.

"Ah! Here it is. You must be... Lewis?" She asked, with a sincere tone. Oh gosh. He didn't want to have to correct her.

"Louis- like, lou-e." He corrected, though reluctantly.

Her mouth formed into a small, dark red O shape before she nodded. "Louis! Right, pardon me, deary."

"It's fine, really. Happens all the time." Louis replied with an understanding tone.


English. Perfect. Louis enjoyed writing. Not so much reading, though. Reading was boring to him. He never found books he liked. Year after year he had to read boring as hell books, though. And passed with at least a C. Whatever, he didn't want to be late.

The brunette opened the PDF file of a map of the school, and found his way- barely on time- to Ms. Portland's room. Louis was actually relieved to have assigned seats, since that meant that he wouldn't have to worry about having no friends to sit with. He looked around for his name. He saw it on a sticky note next to where the names were actually written. As he read the names beside his, he hung his backpack on the seat and sat down.

The names were easy. Marie, Alex, Justin, Henry, Liza and... Nee-ull? That's how it looks like it should be pronounced, at least. He'll go with that until informed otherwise. He would end up talking to him anyways. Speaking of, the boy who he assumed to be... Ne-ull, sat down in the spot next to Louis.

Ne-ull looked to be just a bit taller than Louis, who stood at 5'5". He had obviously dyed blond hair, since the roots were deep brown. But it sort of looked like it was supposed to be like that. His hair was styled into a quiff. He had paleish skin and a very boyish face. He wore a white shirt that said "MONDAY," only it was crossed out. Louis didn't take the time to look past that, since the teacher began speaking.


It was in the middle of class that Louis heard a small, Irish voice over a snap. "Shit." It whispered. Louis glanced to his left to see that the voice had been Ne-ull. Louis learned that he was Irish. He then learned that Ne-ull had broken his pencil. He watched the Irish boy shrink into his seat and look over to the pencil sharpener. He then eyed the teacher. This went on for almost a minute. They were nearly done with their notes.

It was at the point that he realized Ne-ull couldn't finish his notes before the end of class that he leaned over to reach into the smaller pocket of his backpack for a pencil. After checking to make sure that pencil hadn't broken, he slowly slid it onto Ne-ull's desk.

The blond didn't notice for about 15 seconds. When he did, a smile broke out on his face. Louis saw this, and learned he had braces. "Thank you." He whispered to Louis. Louis was about to smile and give him a polite response, but just then, there was a brash ringing of the bell. Ne-ull cringed. He hadn't finished his notes.

Louis leaned over a bit. "Hey, uh, you can use mine. What period do you have lunch?" he asked Ne-ull, though he was too nervous to say his name for fear of messing up.

"Huh? Oh, uh, next period." Ne-ull answered in a quiet voice.

Louis smiled at him and his outgoing personality kicked in. "So do I. You can meet me at the door or something." He suggested with a chipper voice.

Ne-ull gave Louis a small smile before speaking once more before pulling his backpack on. "What... What's your name?" He asked.

"Louis. Not Lewis. The, uh, S is silent." Louis made sure to mention that.

The Irish boy seemed to snicker a bit. "I'm Niall. Not, like, Ne-ull or something. A lot of people get it wrong." His voice was still quiet even as they walked out of the class together.

"You're very quiet, Niall." Louis mentioned as he looked down at his schedule, then his phone. "What's your next period? Mine is..." He paused to check. "Biology."

Niall seemed to pout his lower lip out a little. "Mine's biology too." He answered, not whispering anymore. This made Louis smile, because that meant the first 2 or so hours of the day they had were together! Assuming they would be friends, that is. On the contrary, Niall sighed at this. That would mean he would have to spend 2 or more hours exhausting his social energy. Niall was very introverted and shy, and it took a lot out of him to socialize with new people. Niall only really had one person he liked to hang out with all the time, so new people were a bit of a challenge for him.

Heeelllooo thank you for reading this chapter! I hope it wasnt too long 😶 thank you for voting and commenting! Happy reading 💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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