chapter 2

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"This is the best freaking dream ever!" I smiled twirling my new anime styled body in the mirror.

We couldn't reach Grell until later because of some small plauge infecting a town, killing many. So Ciel ordered me a room to stay until, the souleater characters unwillingly came inside the manor as well.

I turned checking myself out some more. I was curved in real life but in anime my shape stood out better then ever. Shimmying my new unrealistically bouncey boobs in the mirror Soul walked in.

He began to twitch and suddenly a rush of blood began to escape from his noise.

"Soul!" Maka and I both screamed and ran towards the hyperventilating boy on the floor.

Maka noticed I was only in my undergarments and grimaced in horror "Get some clothes on!"

"I smell blood" Sebastian smiled and stepped in, gazing directly to my red laced bra.

I rushed to cover myself as Sebastian picked up Soul.

"I-I thought it was the bathroom" Soul said hanging pathetically from the butler's shoulder.

Maka's POV

I stared at the person across from me, studying her soul wavelength. She was human, but how did she know so much about this world and her's. Something was defiantly wrong with her and I can't rest until I figure out what and how we got into this new land.

"Oh cool!" The girl said smiling and putting on clothes "Are you reading My soul wavelength now?"

A shock rose up my back as I nodded, was she actually a witch? Maybe soul wavelengths eere.different in this world.

She skipped happily and shook me "What does my soul look like? Can you tell my feelings and chiz!"

I removed her hand and lied, this witch could not be trusted "For some reason I can't read souls in this world"

"Oh that's too bad I'm Lilth by the way" the girl stuck her hand out.

"Maka..." I murmered intensly staring at her eyes, her soul, which scarily blazed bright red.

"MAKA I WAS SO WORRIED" father bursted through the doors.

father noticed Lilth and smiled widely, hearts pertuding sickingly out his body "Hello I am spirit, and how do I have this great pleasure of meeting you?"

Lilth looked at him hugging her legs "uhm...I'm Lilth"

I laughed in disgust,  my father was something else. Grabbing him by the collar I dragged him.out.

There was something about this world and how we got here. Especially why Tsubaki wasn't here also...was it because she was in weapon form?

At the hall I dropped father and went searching for the owner of this place.

"Hello miss, may I be of any service?" the butler stepped infront of me. I looked at his soul wavelength and gasped, this man was a demon and had a length as a developing kishin!

I immediately called out to Soul and he came running "WEAPON" I screamed. No matter what world, as a DWMA student it was my duty to stop kishins from being born.

Feeling the familiar weapon in my hands I swung at the man who effortlessly dodged my shot.

Recomposing himself he looked at me "Please refrain from fighting in the manor"

"Your a demon!" I screamed and swung again, foiled again by his quickness "Your here to take souls!"

While moving from my swings he spoke "Yes but I have no interest for anyone else's soul but Ciel's"

"Uhm..." Lilth said stepping into the hallway looking a little scared. She reminded me a little about Angela.

Sebastian grabbed Soul from my hands and flung him to the wall "Now please can we stop this pointless fighting and figure out how you are in this world"

Soul changed back and rubbed his head "Maka I think hes right, we should concentrate on getting home."

With an exasperated sigh I looked at the demons soul wavelength again, he wasn't lieing "fine"

Kid came passing by with Liz and Patty behind him "Such art! Symmetry! Perfectly neat!" he caroled happily.

The demon's eyes glistened and smiled "Why of course! I take pride in perfectly neat and organized room"

I rolled my eyes, jeeze this guy would be Kid's best friend soon. Of course being death's son he could handle being with a demon enough for me to not complain as Sebastian offered him a tour.

Souleater meets Black Butler (and me in the middle)Where stories live. Discover now