Chapter 1

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Rory Edwards was not a fan of Christmas. Nope, nope.

It may have had something to do with the fact that her family operated a business through which she had learned that Christmas was nothing more than a moneymaking scheme. Or maybe it was because her own birthday was December 25th, but everybody always forgot that little tidbit since "Christmas was soooo much more important." One should also account the disastrous night last year, when, the first time she ever tried to celebrate that damn holiday, the "small gathering" she'd ventured to host had spiraled so out of control that even even the cops were called.

Talk about first impressions, eh?

But this December, her ditzy older sister decides to trick her into attending a house party. And things kind of go haywire.

The next morning she wakes up next to a naked guy in a motel room in the middle of nowhere. The worst thing about their situation? He's wearing a Santa hat.

No matter the reason---or excuse, as her mother called it---Rory Edwards is not a fan of Christmas. It's a fact that anyone who knew anything about her could attest to with 100% certainty. And it's a fact that Drew Campbell simply can't wait to change.


Hello! Welcome to my little holiday tale for 2013-2014. Please note that this is by no way the final draft; as a result, there are some embarrassing errors and plot holes. I will go back to edit everything later. That said, I'd love if you could help me by pointing out any mistakes you see.

I hope you enjoy the story, but most of all—happy new year :)


Chapter 1


"Where are you?"

A pause. Rory rolled her sleep-weary eyes. "Ten seconds, Janet."

"I'm not s-s-sure!"

Her voice had cracked on the last word. That was usually the first clue Rory had that her sister was about to break into hysterics unless she did something. She forced herself to climb out of bed, flicking on the other lamp by her bedside table, and yawned loudly.

"Six, five, four—"

"A paaarty!"

"Tell me something I don't know," she muttered, grabbing the pair of jeans she had discarded at the foot of her bed last night and proceeding to discover that dressing while balancing on one leg and holding a phone between one's ear and shoulder was not the easiest task.

"Mac took me!"

Rory groaned out loud. "Jan, I though we agreed you should stay away from Mac?"

"But he—" hiccup, hiccup. "—he said he loooves me! And he g-got a neeeww caaarrrrrrr..."


"Yeaah! It has wings! And it can flyyyy..."

She pulled a t-shirt over her head as quickly as possible, then hopped towards the door while tugging on her socks.

"Tell me more about this new car, Janet. Did Mac use it to drive you to the party?"

"Yeah! It was sooo fast and sooooooooooooo fun!"

"Did he park it outside the house?"

"Houuuse?" Janet laughed. "Don't be silly, sweetie-piece, I'm at the beaaach!"

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