Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Rory’s face was practically glued to the glass as the train pulled into Remington. On the other side, the entire world was covered in a veil of fog. When they’d passed over a bridge earlier she had glanced out the window only to blink, startled, because the mist had completely covered the surface of the river. It had been as though they were travelling in the sky, over clouds and open air.

The station was hustling and bustling with life. Speakers played Christmas music on repeat, each song sickening her to the core. Rory didn’t want to think about that damn holiday: it had destroyed her life beyond repair, and still was. It was the reason her mother had died. It was the reason her father was practically a stranger. It was the reason her sister hated her, and it was the reason she had had to give up Drew.

Drew—the most aggravating person she’d ever met, the polar opposite of everything she believed in—the best, brightest, most beautiful ray of sunshine in her life. Just for those few short days. But it had been a Christmas party that brought them together, and it had been Christmas once again that set them apart. That had forced her to flee back here, to a sister who hated her and a small town she’d never even stepped foot in until now.

The gay couple smiled at her and the man who’d lent her his phone even hugged her. They wished her “Merry Christmas!” and because Rory didn’t have the heart to wipe those kind-hearted smiles off their faces, she decided to just go with, “Happy New Year”.

The air was so cold that she felt like her nose was freezing off. Rory shivered, damning her drunk self once again; if she hadn’t gotten lost with Drew like that she wouldn’t be here, on Christmas Eve, freezing her butt off outside some obscure train station, waiting for her sister to pick her up—and that was probably going to take a long, long time. Janet had never been the most punctual person.

Which was why Rory’s jaw nearly dropped from its hinges when she saw her sister waving madly at her from the passenger seat of a small blue sedan, grinning like a maniac.

“HEY RORY!” she bellowed, and half the station turned their heads to stare.

Rory shook her head, a fond smile finding its way to her lips. Anyone else, and she would’ve thought them crass or rude; but this was Janet, and Rory knew that beneath everything her sister had a heart of gold.

That same sister burst out of the car as soon as it stopped—before it was even properly parked—and ran towards her with startling speed, not wobbling once in those ten-inch heels.

“Hi, Janet,” was all Rory had the chance to say before she found herself being squeezed to death.

Her sister’s thin, bony arms were wrapped around Rory’s own small frame, holding on for dear life. Rory closed her eyes to breathe in Janet’s familiar perfume. She hadn’t changed it for years; their mother had loved the same one, and given it to Janet for her sixteenth birthday. To Rory, it was the scent of safety, family, love…of home.

“Are you alright?” Janet asked as soon as she released her sister. She grabbed Rory’s arm and began dragging her towards the sedan, dodging and ignoring the curious stares of other travellers. “You had me so worried on the phone—and when you called me the first time, too—I thought you two had ended up in some weird shithole and you were going to die or something and you sounded so upset—and I thought—”

“Woah, Jan, breathe!” Rory laughed lightly, squeezing her sister’s hand. “I’m fine. Don’t fret.” Not that you will. In fact…

Three. Two. One and a ha—

“Hey, did I tell you I met a new guy? I think you saw him the other night! Steve, get out here! STEVE!”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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