Hey guys!
As you might have guessed, in this book we will post lyrics and you have to guess the song.
Also the person who first guesses the song will get a dedication in the next chapter and two votes (as a prize, if we like your book then more maybe but that's our individual choice)! Now how cool is that? 😎
And the winner's book is added to our reading list!
If you are reading this and participation in this game then you are trapped in our friendship club! You can't escape now!! So PM us if you want because we both love to talk!
And if you don't understand why 'both' then this is a collaborated account between two awesomely cool fan girls -warranium aka Pragya
GirlYouCanNeverBe aka Ishita
(I just realised how cool our usernames are ........ damn I slay my own existence)FEEL FREE TO COMMENT YOUR VIEWS / FAV SONG OF THE SINGER / ANYTHING RANDOM (lol) ON THE ALREADY GUESSED SONGS,
BELIEVE ME, YOUR COMMENTS MAKE OUR DAY!If you like poetry then you can check out our poems on our individual private accounts.
And this symbol - • (a small black dot) will tell you which song is currently up for guessing.
Now let's get to work! Play along loves!!!
-Ishita & Pragya
Guess the Song! (Ongoing)
LosoweDo I even need to explain? Yes? -_- We'll be putting up lyrics and you have to guess the song! First one to correctly guess the song gets a dedication and two votes! Enjoy!