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*Adminne's POV*

They all lived happily ever after.

Six little words that illustrate the endings of most stories. Finish them off, tidy them up. Make them fake and cheery, and bubblegum-flavoured, make them Disney-esque.

Let me tell you, life is not Disney-esque. Mickey Mouse is not real. Fairies don't exist. Wishes don't come true.

And mostly, there are no happy endings.

Trust me, I have one hell of a lot of experience in that.

But I guess for a happy ending you have to have a happy beginning - mine was far from that.

I was born back in Reality. Where people feel pain. Where unhappy endings and beginnings are few and far apart - where it's the bit in the middle that's unhappy. 

I suppose my beginning couldn't have been less happy. My beginning started with a murder.

A murder I commited. The murder of my mother.

My mother died in childbirth, and throughout my life on Earth my father blamed me for her death. I used to say I was born a murderer - and it's true. I can kill with my bare hands.

But here, it's easier just to use the Recycle Bin.

Because shortly after I murdered my father I found out about an organisation he was working on: a gateway out of reality and into Cyberspace.

Considering I'm a psychopath with a god complex, it wasn't hard to take over the organisation, and become the ruler of this world.

The bad guys in movies always want to 'take over the world'.

That's what I did.

Just...I didn't take over the usual one.

 I made this world into a place where people could grow as a new community. Where they could develop their own beliefs and families, and people could find new kinds of happiness within a computer.

And if they were the programs, I was the monitor. I was the keyboard. The speakers. The Control Panel.

I wasn't Adminnea-Marie Johnston anymore. I was Adminne the Admin, and I finally had a world to rule.











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