Chapter 14

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✳ Niall's P.O.V ✳

My whole body is shaking and I don't know what to do. I'm currently in my room, sitting alone. My body started shaking and I felt so, so hungry. But I just ate. And that's the thing.

Everything was okay until that weird event.

// Flashback //

I decided I will go for a walk. On my way there, I heard somebody yelling in pain. The noise came from across the street, in a alley. I ran towards there, not having any second thoughts. When I came there, I noticed blood, a lot of blood actually. There was somebody whimpering and yelling in pain.

When I came closer, I saw a guy, with blonde hair and black eyes. He was laying in blood, blood covering half of his body. I started to yell "Help! Help!", but the guy spoke up, "Don't." He said.

I crouched down, beside him and saw him eyeing me. "Run. Run away from here." He said, panic in his voice.

"N-No. I won't! You're bleeding!" I say stubbornly and pull my t-shirt over my head, leaving me shirtless. I put t-shirt where he has the most blood. The guy slowly reaches me and pulls my neck more towards him.

"I'm sorry, I can't leave before I do this." Is the last thing he said, before I felt him biting my neck.

// Flashback ended // [A/N: surprise! :D]

I stumbled to stand up and when I finally did, I reached for my phone. Unfortunately, that's everything I remember after everything turned black.


I open my eyes slowly and my ears are hurting. I can hear the cars from outside, but what's the most weirdest thing is that I'm still inside of my house. I quickly stand up from the place, beside my nightstand, where I fainted. 

I made my way towards the kitchen, searching for something to eat, because I'm incredibly hungry. I finally found some cereals and quickly grabbed it. I grabbed the spoon and started chewing on the cereals.

But that's the thing.

I'm still hungry.

Just in time, I hear somebody reaching my doorstep. I'm quick to stand in front of the door. I look down towards my legs, because I... Did I came that quick? I opened the door and there stood Liam, smiling at me. 

"Hey, Ni." He said.

I felt even more hungry looking at Liam's neck. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Hi, Liam." I say, a bit shaky.

"Can I come in?" Liam asks.

I hesitate for a second, before I nod and push the door open for him. He comes in, but the moment he steps in, I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. The door closed immediately behind us. 

"N-Niall?" Liam gasped.

I kept looking at his neck, until I came closer and started biting on it. Blood came through my throat, immediately feeding me. It's so good. The taste. Smell. Everything about it. I bite even more, until Liam stopped whimpering and stopped trying to pull me away. I looked quickly up and saw his brown, puppy eyes almost closed. I gasped at that and quickly pulled away, shaking Liam's shoulders.

Luckily, I didn't kill him.

Using my 'super speed' (which I don't know where that came from), I grabbed bandages and quickly covered Liam's bleeding wound. I placed him in my bed, covering him with my blanket.

Not long after, he woke up and when I said 'Hey' to him, he seemed scared. He kept moving away from me, until his back was on the headboard. He was trapped. 

I sighed and looked into his eyes, which were already staring into mines. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"W-What a-are y-you?" Liam stuttered in shock and fear.

I sighed again and grabbed my phone from pocket. I quickly went on Google and searched 'How to make humans forget events?'. I thought there won't be any results, but there was. And when I tapped on it, it was the website about vampires.


"...Vampires had ability to read humans mind and they also could make humans forget something."

That was the part that got me interested. I quickly scrolled down, making sure Liam was still there, but everything he did was stare at me in disbelief.

"...They could make people forget with just one look. The words they needed to say were 'Forget...' and then say what they need to forget."

I quickly locked my phone and placed it in my pocket again. I turned towards Liam, who looked startled just looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Li." I apologized before grabbing his cheeks making him look deep into my eyes.

I just prayed to God this didn't happen or was only a nightmare. I just hope this won't work and the wound on Liam's neck is because he fell or something.

"Forget about the bite. Forget about me being... What I am." I said, not slightly sure what I am.

Liam was looking still in my eyes, until I broke eye contact. When I turned to look at him again, Liam was looking really confused.

"What happened?"

Oh no.


There you go, guys. :D

Did you expect this? Hahaha, I was reading a few stories with vampire!Niall and I wanted so bad to write it, but on my own way. ALSO, in my story, Niall can read people's mind. That's cool and I just like it that way. 

I will probably add some more powers to Niall, but this is the start of everything now. Maybe you don't know, but this story is dominant!Harry, top!Harry and bottom!Niall. Well, now when Niall is stronger than Harry, what will happen? ;)

Hahaha I'm sorry if you guys are confused now. I just like my story this way more than like it was.

WHO DOESN'T LIKE IT, STOP READING MY STORY FROM THIS CHAPTER. I like my idea and I will write it like this. I'm not going to be rude, but I won't write something in what I'm not interested. As long as I'm interested in this story (i wasn't that much before this), I will write it. I won't write it if I don't like it, it's simple as that. 

I want to love writing my stories and I hope you guys understand that.

Now when I told you everything I wanted to, TELL ME WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF VAMPIRE!NIALL?! :D

I'm so excited, wooohooo!

P.S: this chapter is unedited. If there are any mistakes, i'm sorry I didn't read it after I wrote. x

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All the love,
- Jo.😎

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