Chapter 57

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Happy birthday Neelam...have an amazing day and life ahead❤️
Happy Diwali too guys. Have fun but keep it safe🙂

Nandani's POV
I woke up in the same position as I had slept, but to my horror he wasn't there. Manik was not there...he disappeared. No no no...Manik. Rishab...let me call him. Pick up the call the Rishab. "Akka, who calls so early in the morning..." Rishab complained.

"Manik...Is Manik there?" I ask not sounding too panicked.

"Jiju...he isn't here. I haven't seen him." He replied and it felt like my heart almost stopped beating. I didn't realise when the phone slipped off my hand and tears started making their way. All the bad thoughts made their way in my head. He was so vulnerable yesterday, what if he.... No no Nandani, you need to find him. Please God, if you are there then keep him safe till I find him. What have you done Nandani! I walked out of the house and found Virat.

"Virat, where is Manik?" I asked determined to find him rather then breaking down.

"I don't ma'am, I just came now." He said. It broke my heart once again. But I am going to find Manik, punch him and kill him for disappearing like this.

"Take me to the office, now!" I said and walked towards the car. He too was terrified at my behaviour. I saw him taking the keys from the driver's hand and he himself drove me to the office. "Faster, Virat." I said for the tenth time and finally we reached. Everyone looked at me in the office as I ran towards the cabin. Again he wasn't there. This was my last hope. Where is he gone! I couldn't take it anymore and cried and cried and cried, because that was the only thing I deserved. He was my best but I was his worst. Everything is ruined. Ahhh.....Manik!! Cabir....Cabir has always been there for Manik, maybe he knows. I look the code-less phone that was on the table and called him.

"Oh finally, you remembered me?" Cabir teased Manik.

"Cabir...Manik. Do you know where he is?" I try not to cry but fail miserably at it.

"Nandani, are you okay?" He got worried as I asked.

"Cabir....Manik. I don't know where he is. Please find him." I said between my sobs and Cabir become even more worried.

"Nandani, clearly tell me what happened? Did you and Manik fight? Is Manik okay....Nandani!" He asked but I left the phone and went out wiping my tears off. I should ask someone, maybe he came here and went for a meeting.

"Nandani...have you gone mad or what." Somebody said and laughed at me. I was too horrified to find the reason for her amusement so I asked her calmly.

"Mona, have you seen Manik?" I asked.

"Nandani say Manik 'sir'. So what if you are his secretary, you are just his employee. And what have you worn?" She asked me and I looked at myself. I didn't realise I was still in my night wear.  Her laugh was annoying me, it felt as if she was mocking my cursed destiny.

"Shut up....!" I screamed as loud as I could. The whole office looked at me in complete shock. "I have bloody asked you one simple thing...HAVE-YOU-SEEN-MANIK! Is it that difficult to understand? And one more thing, I will and I can call him anything I want! He is my husband, do you understand that." I spoke loud enough that the entire office could hear. I realised I was losing it so left feeling ashamed at my behaviour.

"Ma'am.." Virat called out as I stepped out of the office. But I wanted to be alone.

"Virat, please leave. I will reach home by myself." I said and started walking towards the house.

I was defeated once again from life. He had just disappeared like that. Nandani, you broke a person. All he asked was your support, to be with him. For the sake of one happiness you gave him so much pain. I knew he was always vulnerable, still I left him even when I knew his family had also left him. Manik, please come back just for once. I promise, nothing will go wrong after that. As I walked aimlessly, I realised I had reached home. A home which Manik had given me. It was quite as always but this time it haunted me more. It felt as if I had lost the whole world. I stood shocked as I opened the door of my room. The man who I looked for crazily around was standing smiling in front of me. It felt no more then a dream. I ran to him and placed my lips on his. That was the only way I could make myself believe that he was present in front of me. My approach was strong and sudden that Manik was taken back. I dominated with so much passion that he couldn't even respond back. I was running out of breath but I couldn't let go, I didn't want to let go. Just then I felt his hands on my shoulder trying to push me back.

"Nandani, I am right here." He whispered in my ear as I was gasping for air. My life was back in me. A sudden anger rushed into me and I pushed him away from me. I took the pillows from the bed and started throwing at his face. "Nandani...Nandani....Nandani...!!" He said my name as he dodged my attacks. "I am sorry..!" He said holding his ears as I finished my attacks.

"How could you do that Manik....where were you. I thought you left me." I finally confessed my fear to him.

"I thought of giving you a surprise so I asked Rishab to lie....Sorry.!" He said apologetically. I remained quite as he cleared the gap between us.

"What surprise?" I asked in a confusion.

He pulled me into his arms and wiped my tears off. "There is two...First, I am back here to my house.....and second, we need a break." He confessed.

" understand my point!" I said with a victory smile.

"I still don't....but I can't stay away from you, not even for a second." He said with a hint of longing and pain in his eyes.

"And what break were you talking about?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"About that..." He pulled me closer and smiled mischievously. "We-are-going-for-our-HONEYMOON, tomorrow." He said as he dug his face in my neck.

"Manik...!" Is all I could whisper in pleasure. "Wait what...! Honeymoon? But Manik how can we go when things are so messed up here?" I asked.

His mood changed but I saw how he was trying to control it. "Listen Nandani, one thing I have realised is that nothing matters to me anymore other than you. I need this break, I need to gain back the energy to fight everyone. And you are my red bull for energy. So the only thing I am asking for is this break. I promise after we come back, I will try to get our family back together. But first I want to compensate for all the time with you that had been wasted because of you...and me."

"Of course she will say yes." I parted with Manik as I heard a loud voice from the back. It was Mukti. Manik stood numb, while I smiled as I had guessed what was going to happen next. "Why are you staring at me like that....haven't you ever seen a stupid, idiotic and a dumb sister like me?" Mukti said as tears threatened to fall out of her eyes.

"I have, one is standing right in front of me." Manik said sarcastically. Manik walked towards her and pointed something towards her neck. Before I could notice, he moved his finger to her nose and teased her. The old tricks.

"Manik...!" Mukti cried out loud and she ended up actually crying and hugged Manik. "I am sorry for being a total jerk. You are my brother and will always be one.  I didn't care about your past and never will I from now on. Just be with us Manik, Mom and me, we both need you. You are the head on the family now." Mukti said.

"Of course Mukti, I will always be with you. I am sorry for leaving like that before. But not this time." He assured Mukti and they had a cute brother sister moment. I admired them from far and thought to myself 'one down, one to go.' I was about to leave when Mukti called out to me so I stopped.

"Nandani have to pack for your HONEYMOON, where are you going?" Mukti teased me. This time I turned red thinking about our honeymoon. "Well Nandani, thank you for fighting for us." She said and pulled me for a hug. Manik hugged both of us and we had a mini family hug of course without mom. "Listen, so as a thank you gift, I will do all the packing for you."

"No Mukti, you don't have to..." I was saying but she interrupted.

"Please, I will be happy." Mukti pleaded.

"Of course she wouldn't mind. And Mukti...." Manik replied instead of me and whispered something into her ear. Mukti's expressions were indicating Manik's word. I would kill him if he spoke about our private moments with her.

"Your husband is too much..." Mukti winked and walked out of our room.

Sorry sorry sorry for the late update. But how was the update? Were you scared when Manik went missing? And Manik's plan to take a break, is it correct? Like leaving all the mess behind... Will Nandani agree for this? And what's in store for their future? be together! (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now