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"I'm going to my room"I'm actually mind linking her.I don't want everyone or anyone to hear.


"So how was angel transformation?" My mother asks.

"It was elegant. But sometimes I feel guilty for little things."

"Oh well thats part of being an angel hun."

"I have errands to run love you"

I lay on my bed doing nothing. Then I feel something missing. What is it? It feels like a puzzle without the piece its not complete.Like half wait half.Jasper. I miss him and it tears me to shreds not being with him.

JASPER POV (Suprise)

Its been a week since Ariel and Ky left.I miss her so much. My wolf might be dieing. Or I'm exaggerating. My alpha duties have gotten more difficult.Apparently their is going be a war and a prophecy to fufill.

The pure angel flies high
While the dark angel stays low
His plan starts to flow
While the Angel says bye
Her beloved must see
That they can be or flee
One angel will go
While their time slows
They will glow or go.

What does that mean! No one is aeouns to help me.Ky is busy all the time. Whenever I ask for help they take advantage of my "memory loss". Many of the girls have been claiming to be my girlfriend and luna.

Maybe we should visit her. My wolf says.Its almost her birthdag. Not gonna lie I almost forgot. Its next month.

Yeah we should.

My throat starts to dry.But I feel lazy to stand up. All of a sudden One of my female pack members come in.

"Oh I'm thirsty make me a drink please."

"Thank you" When I drink it I immeaditly feel dizzy.

The girls face turns to Ariel.I hear her soothing voice.

"Jasper I missed you" I push her against the wall and start letting my wolf take over. Thats all I remember of last night.

I wake up naked by a beauty next to me.I kiss her to wake her up. I dont know why my eyesight goes blurry again.

"Round 2" She says. I cant see her face clearly anymore.

l starts thrusting in and out.

"Jasper"She moans.

My eyesight gets clear. Thats not Ariel. My eyes widen. I blink and when I open my eyes and im still in my office.It was a dream. Whats happening to me.

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