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Sock Pov 

I woke up, It was a Monday morning so I knew Jonathan had school I looked at the clock '5:34' oh welp its a little early, might as well go make some breakfast! I went downstairs and made a toasty for me and Jonathan, he only really ate sandwiches so I made a toast sandwich I filled it with cheese and ham, I left them on the side because I didn't want to eat it without Jonathan. I don't like it when he goes to school, It gets lonely here that's why sometimes I go with him he doesn't like it though as apparently I distracted him well I am a demon I'm meant to make be annoying so I don't really care, I like being around him I get a weird feeling I don't know what it is though but It makes me happy, I want to stay with him forever. I flew through the ceiling into Jonathan's room, I made his alarm go of so he would wake up, It worked! he slowly opened his eyes "ughh what time is it?" he said in confusion "hmm 6am" I said "...I still got half an hour more of sleep did you mess with my clock?" He said whilest rubbing his eyes "yes I did, I made you breakfast though!" I smile at him "oh, thanks but I like sleep a bit more" he led back down "to late, you're awake now!" I tugged on his arm to get up. he got up and started getting changed, I flew back downstairs into the kitchen waiting for him, He came down once again he was wearing a gray jacket with a plane white shirt underneath and blue jeans "You have no fashion... those colours are soooo boring" I complained, he sat down at the table with the food I made "sais the one who wares ripped clothes and a skirt" he said I looked at him annoyed "yhea I have good taste in clothes look i have many colours!" I said whilst shaking my hips to make my skirt sway, he chuckled a bit "okay, what ever you say" He began to eat the food, I don't think he liked it but pretended to anyway, once we was finished we began to walk to the bus stop together Jonathan put on his headphones like always I was flying behind him I kept looking at his hand.. I want to hold it but... I'm to scared to. He put his hands in his pockets and I looked down in shame, he turned around and realised I looked sad "ughh, you okay?" I panicked as I didn't want him to really know why I was sad "y-yh-yhea im f-finnne~" I said in such an un-believe way. "you don't seem it, what you sad we going to school or something, sadly everyone's got to go well you don't have to actually but you choose to annoy me" he grumbled "well no I just wanted to---" I got cut of by some kinds shouting down the road at Jonathan, they was laughing at how he was speaking to nothing even though I was stood right here! sometimes I feel bad for him but I need to embarrass him so he will kill him self I also need to bug him annoy him make life hard for him and everything bad, Iv been starting to do a bit less though as I get a strange feeling around him I think I kinda like him but.. I don't know maybe its just because I'm always around him? but If I think about it what if I "love" him?  Jonathan looked at me he seemed confused "why did you just say love?" My face went red "I-I said that out loud!?" shoot shoot shoooot! I didn't mean to say that out loud I need to think of an excuse "I-I was just thinking of my umm love for... this skirt!" he laughed a bit, we carried on walking ignoring the other people 

Jonathan's Pov

It was wired that Sock said love I can tell he was lying about his skirt, his lie was so bad that I just laughed a bit, I wonder what It was about and what he was going to say before the other kids shouted, I sighed we both go to the bus stop and waited I turned up my music as I could hear the other kids a bit. The bus got here and we went to school ~Le Time Skip~ It was the last lesson, I sat at the back of the class and Sock sat next to me whilst I was writing notes from the lesson Sock started to move the desk a bit closer, He was kinda annoying at first he kept leaning over to look at my work then he started humming and I just cant think! after some time I could feel something leaning on my arm I looked down and saw that Sock had fallen asleep and fell on me, he was kinda cute my face went a bit red we had like ten minutes left, I let him stay asleep, the bell rang and he was still asleep I nudged him a bit "hay, Sock wake up sleepy head" I whispered so no one else could hear us. He woke up "huh, w-what happend?" he said whilest yawning, It's cute how he sometimes stumbles over his words when he is embarrassed or confused. "you fell asleep silly" he looked shocked and I saw his face go bright red... that was also cute, everything he dose is cute .. god dammit I'm starting to like him aren't I? he Is a demon I cant like him... this is bad, my face went red just thinking about this he must of noticed but said nothing "come on lets go home.." I grabbed his hand and started to walk back, I heard him giggle "huh what?" I asked "It's just, I like holding you're hand.." now both of are faces where red "y-yhea what ever" I said in a kind of stubboned mood even though I was happy he liked it.

Sorry that this Chapter isn't very good, It's because I didn't really know how to start it, it will get better I promise just the first chapter isn't the best sorry! and my spelling im also sorry for im .-. annnnd Welcome To Hell is kinda an old fandom but I still like it and wanted to wright a fanfic so if anyone else is reading this well done XD plz vote or leave a comment because then I will know that people are atchely reading this and want more, thats all baii see ya next timmme~

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