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Kaliah:UHHH Ahhh Daddy

Trey:Ah ahh


Trey:Here i Cum hhuuaah

kaliah:Pull out!Pull out Dummy!

Trey fell onna bed with disappoint on his face MANN!

kaliah:ran to the bathroom to pee "TREY DID YOU CUM INSIDE ME"she said crying

Trey:No is you stupid why would i do that my pull out strong*he said lying

kaliah:so where da cum im not stupid

trey:onna bed u cant see it cause the sheets white but bae i gotta run its a trap emergency *lying again

kaliah:Uh Okay


*opens door


Kaliah:Dont Wassup me like im one of yo niggas

Me:Man what do you want I broke up with you late week so....Why u at my house?

Kaliah:It dont matter Me:Yes it do Kaliah:You gon be a baby daddy Trey

Me:Hahha Who u pregnant *Yeah Duh* Its not Mine You a hoe so Why you coming to me *Cause i haven't been messing with nobody else* Its been a month and a half sinced we fucked man gone *What that mean* Bye Kay-Kay Thats not my baby *You know it is* No its not I pulled out *LYING I know I pulled out Plus im not the only nigga that hit you raw *Can u at least that a DNA test when the baby get here?* NOOO Bitch Tf Leave You know thats not my baby (Being tha hoe he was he knew for a fact it was his) WAiT KAYKAY!! *What* Come here Just in case you should get a abortion cause you only 13 and im 14 we cant care for no baby *No im not killing my baby and why would i do that you dont even think its yours so MY baby aint got no daddy*WEll Yo momma gon kill u i said as she walked away...


"Trey said Kari'' Uhh Umm I dont Know Kari But Come on get ready to eat "Okay"

I could not eat I kept thinking Did she get a abortion? Where does she live? Is the baby a Boy or Girl? If she had the baby she or he would be 4....4 years without a father Wait what if she has a boyfriend thats hitting on my child or worse SHE been abusing my child...OMG What if she gave them to the state and my child was beat worst of all what if my Seed died and i didnt even know I gotta find my child i forgot all about the problem Thanks to kari I remembered before it was wayyy to late !!!

I got up and looked her up on FaceBook Search Lakaliah Mariah McKingly

I found her with no problem at all Shes the first one I clicked on her picture and saw her and a Boy that looks about 1 or 2 Could that be my son? He didnt really look like me but it made me cry just thinking about ... How will Niya React I really dont know

inbox Lakaliah?



Kaliah:Hey long time no see

yeah But Most Importantly We gotta talk

Kaliah : Umm Sure Heres My address ill be home at 8:00


Kaliah: No prob

(She Seems So Must More Mature )

I guess ill see what happens tomorrow

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