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"Please stay with me...." Cries of despair prevented the officer from speaking coherently. Paroxysms of emotion erupted from her gut and threatened to crawl out through her throat. Tears welled up and streamed out of deep purple eyes like a fountain, the officer's hands covered a bloody stomach as tightly as she could through trembling hands. Tears unapologetically streamed from her reddening eyes down her dampening nose and onto the reddish fur of her downed partner. She removed her left paw from his gushing stomach wound and shakily grasped her walkie to repeat her call.


"OFFICER HOPPS, WHERE IS YOUR LOCATION." Clawhauser could be heard over the radio, his usual professional demeanor sounded as if it were being threatened; his voice cracking with anxiety. Within the radio tinny receiver, officers could be heard converging and getting ready to roll out as soon as they retrieve Officer Hopps' coordinates. "All cars standby, all cars standby we have a possible code double zero."

Judy wiped her blurry vision away and tried to see down the dark, long alleyway for any sort of a road sign, but to no avail. She could probably one if she ran out of the alleyway, but she didn't want to leave her partner's side. "I- I'm in an alleyway- I-" Nick began sputtering up blood suddenly, interrupting Judy's train of thought. His eyelashes began to flutter erratically as his body was beginning to be thrown into shock. "NICK!!" Judy scrambled to lift his head up slightly so his own blood that came up wouldn't drown him.

"Judy we need you to try and tell me where you are-- landmarks, what do you see?" Clawhauser tried to utter out professionally. Through the radio Judy could hear the cheetah call for medics and for any patrol officers to be on high alert.

Judy grew numb to her senses. She knew she have to act fast to minimize the possibility of losing her partner. With her glassy eyes on Nick, and her right paw firmly pressed on the bleeding hole in his gut, she slowly began to drag his body through the dirty alleyway to the street.

"Stay with me Nick. Stay with me, we're almost there, please--" She tried her best to keep the growing knot in her throat down to a minimum as she spoke sweetly to her partner. Her heart felt like it was trying to climb out of her throat as she gasped for breathe, but never did she falter her pace nor dropped Nick's head an inch as she pulled him towards the open street.

A fourth of the way his eyelashes ceased its fluttering. Halfway his pulse grew weaker and weaker. Judy bit her lip in angst, she began cooing to her partner in a sweeter tone. She began to try and con him with tantalizing treats and gifts. "Anything you want you got it Nick, I promise. Just stay with me, just stay with--" Her eyes dilated as she looked back at the distance they've covered. Deep, dark red blood painted Nick's furrow, gritty with dirt and debris. The dim moonlight above pointed out the glimmering trail of the red liquid against the dark shadows and gloom surrounding them.

No, don't look, look ahead, don't break down now. Just think of what he'll say. "You dumb bunny..." Judy turned her head sharply from the sour vestige of Nick's declining health.

"Almost there Nick, almost there Nick." His heart began to slightly rise in rhythm at a third of a way to the street. By now Judy could see more of the road. "I- I see a-" She checked her partner one more time, she noted that his heart rate was racing like a speed demon. "Oh, cheese and crackers- Nick stay with me, I got you-" She pulled her walkie up to her mouth once more, but in doing so she lost balance and stepped awry, and so Judy's right foot accidently tripped over misplaced brick in the middle of the alleyway and she toppled backwards, dropping Nick, and then and rolling for a painful split second. In the dust her walkie slid across the ground.

OFFICER DOWNWhere stories live. Discover now