Epilogue Pt.1: Artwork

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All the evidence added up to me, all of it. My mind was a jungle of long vines and great trees. I was trying to find my way out but the things in the way wouldn't let me. The light shines brightly but I couldn't touch it because of the evidence.

Everything about me has changed. My attitude, my thoughts, even my actions. I went from being a wonderful young girl to being accused of something that I couldn't do.

I would compare my life to a ballon. The first day this ballon inflates and it's just all big and puffy. Its huggable and you love it to death. You will never let it go and it's your buddy. The second day it's the same way because you know this ballon will be with you through thick and then.

Finally comes the third day were you notice it's not as rough anymore. The air started to leak out of it. Its okay though because you patch it up with some tape. Over the next couple of days the tape isn't working. The air keeps escaping until one day it's gone. It's a deflated piece of rubber that can't fly like it used to.

Your saddened, depressed, mad, that something so great could slip through your fingers. You wonder what you could do to get it back but you know it won't be the same. You go to school and talk to your friend. Only to find out that someone so close to you popped your ballon.

You never knew a person that was someone you loved would do such a thing. You never knew they would hurt you in such a way where you can no longer think and process. You trusted that person with everything and they popped your ballon.

It gets to the point where you know you will never get your ballon back. You roll it up and put it in the trash throwing it away. Your mom saw you sad. She couldn't bare the poor thought of you being so saddened about a ballon. She bought you another ballon and you used that one.

Each time it was another ballon. You never refilled the old ballon. All those balloons in the trash never got another chance at life. Each one was put away in a field if not there recycled.






I'm not fucking with no body anymore. Im tired of the same shit happening . I'm mad at myself for falling for it again and again and again.

My mama won't talk to me, my grandma barely speaks to me, all my family just ignores me. The only support I have is Moe. She comes every once in awhile to see if I'm ok.

Other than that I rarely see any of them. Not even the one I said I loved. It's a damn shame man. I can't believe people would do this kind of shit.

The light hit my face as I looked in the mirror. I threw some water on my face and watched the tears stream down my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and stared.

From now on I vow not to cry over anyone or anything. Fuck everyone I'm tired of fucking trying. Im tired of even looking at the two faced people I said I loved.

I kicked the wall and nothing happened. I kept kicking it till I just finally slid down and cried. The tears streamed down my face. They just kept going as I ran my hands through my hair.

Why would this happen to me man? Ive always been a good person. Ive always done what I had to do. I even tried to save his life and everything but no. Someone did this shit to me. They set me up for failure.

When this is over and done with everyone will get revenge. Everyone. I'm no longer holding back on certain people. I'm no longer having feelings for anyone except moe. Im no longer depending on others for something great.

I'm definitely no longer looking for love.

I had no father figure in life to love and cherish me with gifts. I did have something though and that's his blood. If anyone knew my father like I did...well we'll just see about whats going to happen.

Let's say it won't be very pretty.

"Back to your beds!"I heard the guard say.

I got up and wiped my eyes. I smiled deviously and watched the blood trickle from down my arms. I must've scratched myself really hard.

Hmm if only that was their blood on my fingers...

I walked back to my cell and propped my feet up and thought about things.

See I wanted to do graffiti.
But I got caught.
No but I'm innocent.
And I will show everyone what artwork truly is.

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