Part 6

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[Scene opens to Reagan looking upset watching T.V. and Paige not really paying attention. She's on her phone. She is still in her painting clothes and has paint all over and her hair is in a ponytail. The doorbell rings and Paige go's to get it. Reagan hears some mumbling and then she sees Paige, Greg and Sam coming in.]

Paige: Bonfire?

-------------------------------FADES TO BEACH--------------------------

Paige: Are you going to have fun tonight?

Reagan: What do you mean?

Paige: You didn't drink last night and you've looked upset all day.

Reagan: Paige I'm just nervous that something will happen to you.

[Slight pause.]

Paige: Just because that happened once doesn't mean it will happen again. Plus I am probably going to be with Greg all night. Just go get drunk and have fun!

[Sam walks over.]

Sam: Hi.

Reagan: Hey.

Sam: I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning at the beach. If you don't want to tell me about this thing that's keeping us apart then you don't have to. It isn't any of my business.

Reagan: It's fine. Honestly.

Sam: Well, I'm all yours tonight. What do you want to do?

Reagan: Get drunk.

[Sam laughs.]

Sam: Okay then let's get you a beer.

[A little later Reagan is drunk. Her and Sam are walking down the beach.]

Sam: Wanna go back we are going kind of far.

Reagan: Nope. I wanna tell you a secret but no one can hear so we gotta walk furtherer.

Sam: What is it?

Reagan: Furtherer!

[They walk so far that the fire looks like a tiny speck of light.]

Sam: Is this far enough for you queeny?

Reagan: I like that word. Queeny.

[Sam laughs.]

Sam: What did you have to tell me?

Reagan: You've gotta swear you won't tell anyone. Not even Greg or Paige.

Sam: Okay.

Reagan: I think you are the best person in the world and I'm gonna give you some reasons of why I think so. You put up with my secret. You tell me I'm pretty, you told me that you like me. I think you're suuuuuper hot and I think that I might like you but that is kinda a big, huge problem!

Sam: That is a good thing. Why is it a problem?

[Reagan starts to cry.]

Reagan: Because of Nat.

Sam: Don't cry. Don't cry Ray. Who is Nat?

Reagan: He is the reason I'm crying.

Sam: Why? Is he an ex-boyfriend or something?

Reagan: No. A current.

Sam: Wait, a current. As in you have a boyfriend.

Reagan: Yes.

[ Falls into Sam's arms and is crying. Sam isn't angry but confused.]

Sam: Is that the reason you can't be with me?

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