My Goal Is To Change You...

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Next Morning

Dwight POV

I turned over as I heard the birds chirping. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was met with a sleeping cookie with her head laying on my chest. She was drooling...great. "Hey...wake up...we have to get you more clothes today." I told her. She didn't move. "Cookie." I said to her. She whined and turned over putting her entire hand in my face. "Uh...I can fix you bacon.." I said raiding an eyebrow. She perked up immediately and hopped on my lap. "Yay!" she shouted. I slightly turned a bit red and I sat up. "Ok come- cookie let me go.." I said as I stood up and she was still on me with her legs wrapped around my waist. "No!" she shouted. "How did you even get in my bed?" I asked her. "I had a nightmare.." she said whining. I groaned. "Cookie I can't go down the stairs if you don't let me go." I told her. "Yes you can!" she said shaking her head. I sighed and walked down the stairs as she smiled. Wow, the personality cards wasn't wrong about the bratty part. She got down once we reached the bottom of the stairs and she hopped on top of the counter. "I can fly!" she said and I walked over to her. "I would rather much not want to see that.." i told her as she sat down. "Why are you so boring?" she asked nonchalantly. I let out a single chuckle and I brewed my coffee. "Boring? Pfft, I'm not boring." I told her crossing my arms. "Yes you are! You're always so serious!" she said crossing her arms and pouting. "Well I'm supposed to take care of you so I can't play around with that." I told her. "I can take care of myself." she told me. I nearly laughed. "You can take care of yourself? Ok, go to the mall and buy you some clothes." I told her handing her my keys. She looked at them and rolled her eyes. "Exactly." I told her walking to the fridge and grabbing the bacon. "Now, how many strips do you want?" I asked her. "10!" she shouted happily and swinging her feet. "Uh...5." I told her. "5?!" she shouted again. "10! I want 10!" she shouted. "Fine. I guess that's a whole pack gone." I told her putting all of the strips into the pan. She watched as it sizzled she smiled. I saw some sort of glow in her eyes. Her eyes were a deep black and they seemed to shine a lot. Usually some people's eyes are dull, but hers seem to have some sort of...sparkle. Not to say that I look into them. She watched until they were done and when I took them out of the grease and put them on a plate she grabbed one immediately. "Careful it's- "ow!" she shouted dropping it. She pouted and showed me her red finger. I grinned slightly and I sat the bacon in the fridge. I usually do that to cool it down quicker. I took it out afters about 15 seconds and she cautiously grabbed one and then she ate it happily as she swung her feet. I then get a call from my brother. "Dwight, Don't forget we have dinner tonight. Double date." he shouted into the phone. I quickly hung up. Damn it, I forgot that! I don't have a date! I'm single no girls like me! What am I supposed to do? Unless...

I stared at cookie as she sat on top of the counter chomping on the bacon. She hummed something and just kept smiling. There's no way I can take a person with peter pan syndrome to a sophisticated dinner, but I can't leave her here! And I can't reject my brothers offer...he's from my...snobby side of the family. If I don't accept the offer he's going to say it's because I'm lonly...which is true...well not true..I'm just single. Oh goes. "Hm..cookie?" I asked her and she perked up. "You want to go out for food later tonight?" I asked her and she gasped in happiness and ran over to me hugging me. All of the bacon grease went all over me. "Really?! Yes! Yes! Yes! A trillion times yes!" she shouted happily jumping around. "Ok great. We'll go out IF you let me give you a makeover." I told her. "OK!" she shouted. Ok I can make her look presentable. I guess we'll go to the mall tomorrow..

I started with teaching her to walk in heels. "Ok, now stand up straight and walk towards me." I told her. She started walking and immediately fell onto my soft rugged floor of my study room. "Ow.." she whined. "Ok try that again, stand up straight.." I told her as she stood up and tried again she fell once again. "Why do I have to do this?! This is stupid!" she shouted. "Ok...I have an idea." I said taking out my phone. I'm going to call my friend jussie. He's good at makeup and he can make anyone perfect...

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