I'll Wait For You (Auslly one-shot)

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Hellooooo Wattpad people. This is my new Auslly One-Shot. :) I hope you enjoy! It's very emotional, just warning you. Sorry if I screw with your feels.. The story is in Ally's P.O.V.

If you like it remember to vote, comment, and follow me! :)

--I follow back--


I'll Wait For You

It's today. Today is the day I lose him. Today is the day my world falls apart. Today is the day that I have the last chance to tell him I love him more than anything. Today is the day that his smile will fade. Today is the that he'll grow paler than he already is. Today is the day that they're going to pull the plug on Austin because he says he no longer wants to live like this. With his cancer.

But how will I live without him?

I haven't slept in months. How could I? My best friend was dying and I didn't know for the longest time. I wished I had known sooner. So I could have told him how I felt sooner. I just kept it inside because I was afraid he wouldn't return the feelings. But I'm not afraid anymore. I want him to know I love him before he.. He goes away forever.

A soft knock on my door makes me snap out of my horrid thoughts. I wiped the wet, salty tears from my face and choked out a quiet "Come in."

"Ally?" My mother opened the door "Are you okay?" She asked with concern as she walked over and sat down next to me.

"No. No of course I'm not okay." I say astonished that she was even asking the ridiculous question "My best friend is going to be gone forever after midnight and you expect me to be okay?"

"Ally, I'm sorry, I'm just so, so worried about you, I only mean well, sweetie. I know it's gonna be hard after he goes, I know it will. He's a wonderful person. But you gotta remember to push through it. It'll all be ok-"

"Don't say it." I cut her off abruptly "Don't you dare say it's gonna be okay. Because it's not. It will never, ever be okay again without him!" I started to sob as I spoke and my mother pulled me in for a warming hug. I was so upset. I was scared of losing him. I didn't wanna lose him.

My mother rocked me back and forth in her arms as she whispered soothing melodies in my ear.

I finally fell asleep while sobbing in her arms.


I walk through the automatic doors of the big white building with watery eyes and a dry throat. I approach the counter desk where the kind lady waits for me everyday. "Hi Eunice." I force a smile, and she smiles back

"Oh, Ally, dear, I wasn't sure if you were going to come today." She looks at me concerned "Will you be able to do this?"

My smile faltered and a lump caught it my throat. I cleared it, and answered shakily "O-of course I came. I always come. And today is.. Is the last day that.. That.." My vision becomes blurry as tears threaten to escape my eyes. Eunice places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know, dear, I know. I wish there was something we could do.. But there's just not." She looks at me apologetically as she gently rubs my shoulder. I look up at her through my wet eyelashes and I can't even force a smile this time. "Can I please just go see him now?" I ask pleadingly

"Of course, dear. You know where to go." I nod thankfully to her and rush over to the elevator. When I hop in I hit the fifth floor button and twiddle my fingers as I wait impatiently for the doors to open again. When they do, I hurriedly get out and start walking in the direction of his room.

When I reach the door that says Room 132 on it, I stop. I stand and stare at it as I think of an old memory that brings pain to my heart.

"Hey Als." Austin says as he nervously stumbles into the practice room. I giggle and smile brightly at him. "Hey Austin! You wanna work on some lyrics?"

"Um, no, n-not exactly.." He says as he plays with his jacket zipper, avoiding eye contact with me. I frown and give him a concerned look "Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Listen Ally.. There's something I've been meaning to tell you for so long.. I just didn't know when or how.. I-I-I.." He stutters as he tries to explain. I place my hand on his arm and begin rubbing tender circles on it with my thumb "It's okay Austin. You can tell me anything." He inhaled deeply and
began speaking again. "I know I can.. Okay, I um.. I don't know how to say this but.. Ally.. I have cancer. And I've had it for about two years already. I wanted to tell you so many times after we met but I had no way how. I figured I should now since the doctors said it was getting worse the last time I had a checkup. I know I should've told you sooner, and I feel so awful. I'm so sorry." As he explained my heart sank lower and lower. Was he really saying this? Did my best friend have cancer? I dropped my hand from his arm and backed away.

"Y-You're joking.. Right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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