。A New Beginning 。

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[Gunners POV]

We have known each other since we were in kindergarten. Nobody would imagine where we are today and how it got this way. Hector, homeless and only works as a mall Santa. We all know how that works out. And then there's me, Gunner. The supportive friend and somehow can afford a house only by dressing up as the butt of a reindeer. How delightful. Now, can you imagine us in a job interview? Yea, me neither.

"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay at your place until next Christmas." Hector said. "Anytime!" I replied. I showed Hector to his bedroom which was right next to mine. "Wow! It's pretty spacious!" exclaimed Hector. "What do you do with all this space?" Asked Hector. "Nothing really, I guess I expected to be with someone and we would share this house." I replied, my mind now drifting off to what I thought my life would be like at this age. "Hey," Hector waved his hand in front of me to get my attention, "..you got me now, right?" We both stared for awhile into each other's eyes. His an ocean blue, mine as black as coal. "Yea.." I weakly replied.

     December arrives...

As December approached, now was the time to get into the Christmas spirit. One qualification in becoming a mall Santa and a reindeers butt, is that you must be very cheery during the holidays. It needs to mean a lot to you. And it does. Around this time is when I realized I wasn't like most people. I found out I was gay, and for who? Hector. So for me, getting into the spirit is very easy. Unfortunately it's not the same for Hector. This time of the year makes him emotional, mainly because this is the only time he actually sees a paycheck. What's good about that though, is that that means he's really into his job. When I say that he enjoys making kids smile and laugh, I mean it.

He acts like a tough cookie and like he's just a bum and that's all he's worth, but that's not the true him. Only I know his true self, and it's beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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