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Guilt pumped through his body as he ran. Tears streamed down his face. He shouldn't have run, but now, it was all he could do.

"CHOCOLATE FROGS" shouted Harry, almost running into the majestic stone gargoyle.

It nodded, looking at the crying boy quizzically.

"Up you go," it said in a grave, deep voice, as it moved aside to reveal a staircase.

Harry stepped onto it, and began to run up it, too impatient to wait for it to move. He knocked sharply on the door, then collapsed, breaths heaving from running through half of the castle. Now he realised he had caused a scene, smacking himself in the face. Everyone would have been just leaving from lunch. Now, Harry knew there would be all sorts of rumours, he just hoped Draco had had the sense to stay hidden. Why did he just think that? Why should he care about Draco? Especially now, he should hate him, now that he knew everything. Somehow, however, Harry couldn't bring himself to hate Draco, only to feel guilt and sorrow for the boy.

"Enter, Harry," a warm voice broke his train of thought.

Finding that the door opened it self to let him in, Harry slipped into the room, finding comfort in the familiar chair sitting facing the desk and the old, silver bearded wizard, looking at him with piercing blue eyes, over half moon spectacles.

"I trust you know you should be in class, Harry?" said Dumbledore sternly, with a slight, almost unnoticeable twinkle in his eye.

"Sir, I needed to speak with you," stated Harry, sidestepping the awkward question.

"I know, Harry, I know," sighed Dumbledore, gesturing for Harry to begin.

Harry hung his head low, slowly shaking it as he tried to figure out how to start with what he was about to tell Dumbledore.

Harry launched into an explanation of everything he had noticed about Draco up until the Verituserum incident. How he had been quiet, and refused to fight with Ron. The concern he had seen in Draco's deep, grey eyes.

Dumbledore just sat, listening intently, with an amused look in his eye. However, it was obvious that Harry was upset, so he kept from uttering everything he thought, and just let the boy talk.

"I knew there was something wrong with him, Sir, I had to do something!" cried Harry earnestly.

At this, Dumbledore frowned slightly.

"What did you do to find out his secret, which I trust is the reason why you are here?" asked Dumbledore slowly.

"I...I..." Harry stuttered.

"Harry, listen to me, it is obvious whatever Draco told you is far worse than what you did to find it out, just tell me, so I know of any further damage," Dumbledore pleaded.

"I gave him Verituserum, that I stole from Professor Slughorn, I'm sorry Sir!" cried Harry.

"Harry, you must understand, that alone was probably the best thing you could have done for Draco. I too have noticed his struggling, and I must say, I am impressed by the care you show for him. Now Harry, I must ask you to tell me what it is Draco told you." Dumbledore spoke with an even voice, however it was filled with obvious emotion.

"He..He was given a task, by his... parents. No! By Voldemort. He is trying to ruin Draco's life! Just like he ruined mine! His task, its... its horrible." stuttered Harry, his voice growing louder.

"Harry, the task?" Dumbledore asked sternly.

"He...He has to... He has to kill you!" cried Harry.

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