Chapter.11 Zoe had an (x)?!

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Zoe: ...
Pippy: Zoe what's up? Your not eating? Zoe:well I ran into my
x boyfriend yesterday. Pippy: DAN WHAT?! Zoe: yah I mite still like him. Pippy: no way you like him he's a jerk!
*flash back on zoe*
MREG?! YESSS!!!! Zoe said. Yeah I-I-I love you zoe. Dan said.....1month later......IM DONE WITH YOU DAN! BYE! TAKE YOUR RING BACK BYE! Zoe said.
Hey Zoe! Dan said. Oh hi! I said blushing. I have to admit I kinda have feelings for him. So I herd you got a boyfriend? Dan said. Uh yah but he broke up with me so we're not a thing anymore. I said. Oh well I'm just want you to know I'm here for you. He said. Yah thanks. I said back. Why are you here though. Oh well my sis said I should go to college so here I am! Dan said. Oh this was your sisters idea? Yay! I said upset I knew she did this so she could get back at me for what I said about her brother! Yeah! Dan said.
LORI HELP! I said. Uh what Zoe?! Lori said back. Well my (x) is going to are school! I said. Oh um we'll tell him how you feel. She said. Uh no! Cause I like him! I said. TELL HIM THEN!GO! Lori said. Ok! I said. Like how stupid am I for saying ok?! Like y?!
Hey SOO can I talk to you dan?o said. Uh now isn't a good time. So how about after school at my house? He said back. Uh.........yah sure!i said

          (TO BE CONTINUED)

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