#7 Bringing baby home

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A/N: we know Harry's daughter was born at home, so he's is a little different to the others.
We also created some outfits for this preferences. We will put the link for them in the comments below xx. Hope you like this chapter

"Mr and Mrs Payne," the doctor smiled, looking up from her clipboard, "although Amelia was early, she is a strong little girl and very healthy. Thank you for being patient with us and staying an extra few days." Liam stood beside the bed and looked at you cradling his little girl. "And I'm so happy to tell you both that you can take her home today," she announced. Liam smiled widely and placed his hand on your back. You looked down at a week old Amelia. "Hear that Emmy, we get to go home today," you cooed, as she looked up at you. "I'll leave you to get dressed and packed up. A nurse will be in shortly with some paperwork for you to sign. If you need anything, just push the call button. Congratulations again on your beautiful baby girl," she said, before walking away. "This is it Li. We're going home and get to be a family," you smiled, looking up at Liam. "Let's get you both dressed," he kissed your forehead and gently took Amelia out of your arms. You slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, careful not to move too fast and hurt yourself. You slid on the leggings and knitted sweater Liam had packed in the hospital bag, before walking back into the room. You froze, your smile growing at the sight in front of you. Amelia was laying on the bed, as Liam dressed her slowly, like she was made of glass. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arm around his waist. "She's gorgeous Li, I still can't believe she's here and all ours," you whispered. Liam kissed your temple and picked up Amelia. You placed the baby carrier on the bed and Liam gently put the little girl inside. "Are you all cosy sweetpea?" Liam cooed, wrapping a pink blanket around her tiny body, "let's get you home."

"Oh, Lou," you looked up from the backseat at Louis, "you can drive faster. Noah is safe in his car seat. Your slow driving is making him fussing." Louis chuckled, "we are around the corner love." You looked down at a three day old Noah, "it's ok Noah," you whispered. Minutes later Louis pulled into the doorway and turned off the car. You opened your door before he could. "Can you bring Noah in? I'll grab the bag," you asked, feeling your body begin to ache. He nodded and carefully picked up the baby carrier and followed you to the front door. "Give me the bag boo," he said, and before you could protest he slid the bag off your shoulder and put it on his. "Come on, let's get you inside and comfortable on the couch," he kissed your temple and walked inside behind you. You slowly walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Louis dropped the bag by the door and took Noah out of the baby carrier and held him close to his chest. He wined, missing the warmth. "Let me put Noah down, I'll be right back," Louis said. You shook your head, "no Lou, I want to cuddle with him, please? Then I'll rest." Louis raised his eyebrow at you, but he couldn't say no to you. "Ok boo. Are you comfortable here? Warm enough?" he asked, siting beside you. You nodded and pulled a blanket over your lap. You reached your arms out and smiled as Louis gently placed the little boy in your arms. You cradled him against your chest and kissed his small forehead. "Welcome home Noah," you whispered. You looked up at Louis and noticed he was watching his son as well. "I'm happy he's home," he said, placing his hand on yours, on Noah's back, "and we can start our lives as a family."

NIALL"Stay here darling. I'll put the twins into the car, then I'll come get you," Niall kissed your forehead. He picked up the pink baby carrier with Cora inside and followed your sister who was carrying Declan in his matching blue carrier. They opened the backseat doors and put the baby carriers into place. "I'll start the car Niall, you can go get Y/N," your sister said, patting his back and climbing into the drivers sat. Niall walked back into the hospital and knelt in front of you still sitting in your wheelchair. "How are you feeling Princess?" he asked, taking your hands in his. "I'm good, excited to be going home with the little Horans," you replied, watching his eyes light up at the mention of the babies. "Let's get you in the car then," he carefully helped you up and walked you to the car. He opened the passenger door and gently lifted you up and into the car. He kissed your forehead, before closing the door. Niall gently climbed over one of the baby carriers and sat in the middle of the backseat, in between the five day old twins. "Are we ready guys? Ready to go home?" Niall asked the sleeping babies. He reached over and kissed Declan's head, before doing the same to Cora. Your sister drove out of the hospital car park and towards your house. You looked over your shoulder into the backseat and smiled. Niall had one hand on each of the babies stomachs, lightly humming along to the radio. He looked up and caught your eye, his cheeks reddening. "What princess?" he asked, smiling at you. "Nothing Ni," you whispered, shaking your head and turning back to the front window. You smiled and knew Niall would be a wonderful dad, he already loved the twins more than anything.

"Hey angel," Harry whispered, carefully picking Spencer up out of her bassinet. He cradled her on his arms and smiled as she snuggled into his chest. Harry looked around the master bedroom and saw you asleep on the bed, curled up under a blanket. "Come on angel, I want to show you around the house," he said smiling, "firstly, this is mummy and daddy's room." He took one last look at you before walking out the bedroom. "Shall we start with downstairs?" He asked, not expecting a response from his day old daughter. He walked slowly downstairs and into the living room. "This is the living room, where mummy and daddy like to cuddle by the fire and watch tv," he whispered and continued walking. "Now we are in the kitchen," he looked around, "mummy loves to cook in here. Sometimes the whole house smells yummy because of something she's cooking." Spencer wiggled in his arms, making him tighten his hold on her. He looked out the window, smiling at the sunny day in London. Spencer yawned widely, getting sleepy again. "I have one more room to show you," he whispered, quickly but gently walking back upstairs and towards her nursery. Harry smiled at the room decorated for his little girl. "And this my angel, is your bedroom. We can cuddle in your bed, when you have a nightmare, or play tea parties-," he stopped when you walked into the room and wrapped your arms around his waist. "You'll have to wait a year or two for that Haz," you whispered, looking at the sleeping girl snuggled up in his arms. Harry wrapped his other arm around you and kissed your forehead, "we have loads of time to do everything with her, she will always be our little girl."

"Look whose awake?" you said softly to a two day old Kaiden. You smiled as your son looked around him, his big eyes taking in everything. Zayn looked in the rear view mirror from his spot in the front seat and smiled at you sitting in the backseat beside Kaiden's carrier. You placed your hand on his small body as he started to wiggle and fuss. "How much longer Z?" you asked, keeping your eyes on your son. Zayn sighed and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "About 10 minutes babygirl. Is he ok? Do I need to pull over? What's wrong?" he rumbled, getting worried. You rubbed Kaiden's stomach lightly, calming him down a little, then looked up your husband. "He is fine Z, I promise. Just getting a little reckless. Don't think he likes being in one place too long," you giggled, making Zayn smile. "You're a gorgeous boy, like your daddy," you cooed at your son. You watched the little boy, as Zayn drove. He hummed along to the radio and looked you in the mirror every few minutes. "Here we are," he said, turning off the car engine. He got out of the car and opened the back door for you. "Thanks Z," you whispered as Zayn took your hand and helped you out of the car, careful of your sore body. Once you were standing, you reached back into the car for Kaiden but Zayn put his hand my shoulder. "I've got him darling. You go inside and I'll get him," he kissed your forehead, "the midwife said you need to rest, remember." You giggled and nodded, taking the keys from him and walking to the front door. By the time you opened the door, Zayn was right behind you with the baby carrier in his hands. "Here we go my boy," he stepped inside and smiled at you, "home sweet home."

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