[ orchid ]

38 11 18

"How much of human life is lost in waiting. "

ayyy RedHearty

ayyy RedHearty

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i. username : 2/5
ok pls don't get offended but i think your name is a lil childish and what a seven year old would actually put as their username.
i could give you a few suggestions but its totally up to you to use it.
•red[insert bias name] aka redyoongi-

ii.name :3.5/5
is that supposed to be you nickname or a way of spelling summer differently? ƪ(•̃͡ε•̃͡)∫

iii. icon : 3/5

iv. background : 3/5
it doesn't suit the blue icon at all

v. bio : 3/5
its short and simple

vi. book covers : 5/5
ok ngl they really look aesthetic and they go well with your background and they're vvvv pretty TwT

isokei if it seems a bit mismatch but i hope you know what i mean and please don't get offended (T▽T)

but if you do,

don't forget to tag, vote and comment! xx

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