Chapter Six: A Kiss On The Cheek

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Months passed, and the days repeated the same maddening thing.

Emma was hurt. There was a time when she'd be excited to go to school, not just to study (although that was also the reason), but because attending school with Peter was amazing.

Now, it was a boring, mundane thing. Peter had suddenly stopped being the active, humorous person that he was, and was now living as if someone had died. Something had died: his sense of humour. Worst of all, he had almost stopped talking to Emma. 

What had happened to her Peter? The Peter who was jovial, cracked jokes, made Emma laugh till tears ran down her face was gone; he was replaced by a glassy structure of his. She thought that her good luck had finally run out; that he had finally realized that Emma was a nerd and didn't want to be seen with her. In which world were a handsome jock and nerd ever best friends? She hoped that Sienna didn't disown her; that was even more weird: a popular girl and her best friend a nerd. But then, she dismissed the thought; if Peter wanted to put an end to their friendship he would tell her. He was quiet frank that way. But then, again, he was behaving weirdly. Maybe he wouldn't tell her.

All these thoughts she was thinking while walking back home-she declined to be dropped by Sienna today. And, yes, she was in a bad mood. A very bad mood. Peter and she had a fight today, and he was harsh. She recalled the conversation again. It had happened after 9th period Science (or the end of the school day).

"Hey, are you really OK? You haven't been answering my calls." She had said.

"I'm fine." He said. His tone had been curt, and she sensed his walls coming up. Again.

"Come on, Peter, do you expect me to believe that? You haven't been answering my texts, or calls, or IMs or anything, for that matter. I mean, whats up witht that? Why? You could-"

"You don't have to pretend that you care, Emma. It's nothing. I just want to be left alone, all right? Stop nagging me with your stupid 'are you ok' questions, because I am. Ok? Bye."

His tone and answer had been so harsh that Emma felt tears coming to her eyes. Peter must have seen that too, because his expression softened. But it was too late. Emma turned and fled away.

Presently, she stormed through her house and went upto her room. Stupid, idiot, miserable best friend. He could have been gentle, could he have not? Whathad she done anyway to earn his harsh reply? Except show her concern. Well, she wouldn't anymore. Nobody seemed to require it anymore...

She woke up, wondering how she had fallen asleep. It was dark now. How long had she slept? Damn, she had homework to do. Then she thought I don't care.  Let her earn the wrath of her teachers for once in her boring life.

She went outside. The sky was darkening, but it was still a beautiful deep orange in the west horizon. the weather was pleasant, and Emma decided to sit on the swing on the porch.

It was peaceful, and calm, and for a minute, Emma forgot all her drama. The luxury of just sitting and doing nothing! That was something she hadn't done that in a long time.

Then it was all brought back with a simple word.

"Hey." It was Peter. The feelings came back, the anger, the sadness, the despair. And also happiness. But only a little. She was still very hostile towards him.

"What do you want? I thought you wanted me to leave you alone?" she snapped at him.

He looked very sheepish, and then he smiled. "I came to apologize, Em."

That smile quickened her heartbeat, but she ignored it. Instead, she scowled. "I think I can resist your apology. And not forgive you."

He laughed. Then he came over and sat beside her. Somehow, this made her feel better.

"I'm sorry, Em. OK? It was wrong of me to snap at you like that, and take out my anger at you. I swear, it has nothing to do with you. i just have, 'issues', so to say. It's taking a long time to deal with and-"

"Oh God, stop it!" She almost yelled. Peter only looked a bit confused.

"If you don't want the friendship, just say it, all right? I know it must be, like, super embarrassing for you to have a nerd as your best friend. I get it. If you don't want it anymore, I'll-"

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you mental? Of course I don't want to end our friendship! You're  my best friend! I'm really sorry, Emma, I really am. Please. Don't think I ever want to end this friendship. It's the most precious thing in my world, right next to Adeline, OK? Please, don't give up on me."

Emma was shocked to be right next to Adeline, his sister. It made her feel warm, and then she smiled. he smiled right back, and again a weird feeling began in her chest.

"So much for trying to resist my apology. Am I forgiven, now?"

Emma nodded in return. She caught the fleeting glimpse of the old Peter. And then Peter suddenly leaned forward. And kissed her on the cheek.

"Thamk you." he said. Emma barely noticed it. A sudden flow of emotions burst inside her, and Emma finally realized the weird feelings. She knew what it was, and she finally accepted it. She had a crush on Peter Norman. A very obvious thing, because Peter was her best friend and a good looking guy. She realized that she had been withholding those feelings for fear that it would spoil her friendship with him. 

"Oh, by the way, dinner on Saturday. My place. Adeline wants to meet you before she starts preparing for her SATs and whatever. Ok? Hello? Em? Earth to Emma. Are you there?"

Emma wasn't even paying attention. She was still shocked from that cute peck on her cheek.

"Um, what? Sorry, I spaced out." Peter rolled his eyes and explained again. Ok. Dinner at his house, which was on the same street as hers. That was cool.

Then Peter waved her good night, and left walking.

And just like that, Emma finally knew why Peter was behaving the way he was. She finally knew his 'issues'. And Emma would help him realize it, because it affected her also. Time to formulate a plan.

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