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(Name) knew that her final year of high school would be stressful but she has never thought Akaashi would distance himself from her. For almost a year, they have been together. They laughed, loved, had fun and arguments. Nothing seemed to ruin what they had.

As the end of high school neared, everything seemed to fall apart. Akaashi was avoiding her, his smiles disappeared and their closeness was non-existent. While she had been expecting it, (Name) was still shocked when Akaashi broke up with her.

"I don't love you anymore." Akaashi admitted, giving (Name) a sad smile. "I am sorry. I've never meant to hurt you, (Name)."

"What... What did I do?" (Name) questioned, barely keeping herself together. "I can fix it! I can change, Keiji, I swear."

"It's not you."

"Yeah, it's you." The girl snorted, amused by the cliche sentence. "Well then. I hope you'll have all the happiness in the world, Keiji, even if I am not a part of it any longer. I still love you though."

"I know."

(Name) sighed heavily and forced a smile to her face. Her eyes observed Akaashi's body, memorizing each inch of him. With a tired grin, (Name) turned and took three steps before running. She could hear him call her name but she couldn't turn back. She didn't want him to see her cry.

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