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“Bye Mike!” I waved to my boss, Mike, on my way out of Twixter Tower, the club that I work at. I worked as a waitress there, and it was now Friday. I hopped into my bright blue Chevy bug and drove to my house on 3708 Chestnut Drive, Beverly Hills, California. My name is Sabrina Blackworth, I'm nineteen years old, I have my own home in Beverly Hills, a dog named Pippi, and my life is pretty boring. I've always wanted more than this. I wake up, get dressed, go to work, come home, eat, and go to sleep. It was summer break, and the warm air was exhilarating. When I got home, I went in, filled up Pippi's food bowl, (He’s my clumsy German Shepherd.) And got ready to go to sleep. I brushed out my Blue hair, (It is really blonde, But I dye it over the summers) And put it in a pony -tail in back.  I then Went to my room to go to sleep.

“Pippi! Time for bed!” I yelled.

Pippi ran in and jumped up onto the bed a few minutes later.

“I sure am glad it’s the weekend, boy.”

Pippi agreed with a wag of his tail. I trailed off to sleep at around 10:30  at night.  I woke up the next morning feeling quite happy, but still a little bored with my life. I went out for a quick morning jog with Pippi and was gone for around an hour before I came home and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I wore my black and pink rectangular framed glasses today instead of my contacts. After I changed out of my jogging outfit, I decided to put on  a purple tank with a white jean  mid-armed sleeve jacket and skinny jeans. I just wore my plain-jane purple high-tops. That’s when the phone rang.

“hello?” I said, obviously not expecting the call.

“Hello. may I please speak to  miss Sabrina Blackworth?”

“this is her.”

“I am so sorry. But did your parents go on a trip to Maine within the past few days?”

“uhm....yes?” it sounded more like a question than anything, but I was starting to get a little worried. Had something bad happened on their trip?

“My condolences. A neighbor in the hotel room next to theirs reported  yelling and struggling this morning at around 1:15 AM. when they went to see what was happening,  They saw the room was empty and no sign of the kidnapper. The window was open, but it was from five levels up. Not many people could have survived that much of a drop. “

I was shock, probably. Was this person telling me my parents were dead? wait....I didn’t even know who this was. they continued. It sounded like a young man...mabey around my age?

“Luckily, there was no blood or any sign of injury when we looked at the sidewalk below. so there is still a chance your parents are alive.  We just have not found them yet, seeing as we have little to go on.”

“ did......” sigh.

“We don’t know. It is very curious.”

“I....who are you? Are you....a cop or-”

“uhm...Not necessarily. “

“Then why do you care about my parents’ disappearance? “ I was  Extremely confused. I just found out my parents were kidnapped for no reason and it isn’t even a cop on the case I’m hearing it from. My heart was pounding.  I was also really scared. what if they came after me next, whoever they were? What did they want with my parents?

“Well....It’s complicated. I just thought I should let you know.”

“What’s your name?”

“You will find out soon enough. Shyra.”


“He hung up on me.” I whispered to myself. then put the phone back on the receiver. What did he say to me at the end of the call? Shyra? What did that mean? No time for worrying about that though. My parents were missing! What do I do now? I can’t just wait for the police to find them. I didn’t even know if they were looking. I decided to call Mike.

“Twixter Tower. This is Mike speaking. How may I help you?”

“Hey Mike. It’s me. Sabrina.”

“Well! isn’t that a pleasant surprise. what’s up, kiddo?”

“I think I need to take the next couple days off.”

“How many to be exact?”

“like....mabey three days out of next week?”

“Yeah. Okay. fine with me. You feeling okay?”

“not especially.”

“Are you sick? You need anything?”

“uhm. No. I’m fine. Well, I’m not sick.”

“Sabrina, tell me. What’s wrong?”

Sigh. I can’t believe I’m about to tell my boss.

“Uhm...My parents...” My voice was starting to quaver. I continued anyway.

“My parents went on a trip to Maine a few days ago. I just got a call saying that....”

“Did they get in an accident?” Mike asked.

“no. not exactly. They’re missing. They were kidnapped from Their hotel this morning with no sign of where they could’ve gone.”

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and i suddenly saw everything blurry. I tried to not start crying because I didn’t want Mike to hear. It was a little late though.

“Oh my gosh. Sabrina I-”

“No. don’t say it. It’ll probably make me cry even more.”

“Can I come over after I close up? I know you. You are going to need someone to talk to ….. Besides your dog.”

“I guess.See you then.”

“Bye kiddo.”

I hung up without saying anything....So here comes Niagra falls. Pippi came up and nudged me with his nose.

“Hi boy.”

He sat there with me for at least a half hour when I stopped crying.  I knew that I took the days off, but for what? What am I going to do? Look for them? where do  I start? I was so overwhelmed. I finally got up and stopped acting like a baby. I made spaghetti for dinner. More than one serving so Mike could have some of it when he came over. I found myself making the sauce like my mom used to make it. a little lemon pepper and add mushrooms. It sounds odd, but it was so good. When I started eating I felt like crying again. Just the smell reminded me of my mom. I dearly hoped that she was okay.


“That must be Mike.” I said to no one in particular.

I answered the door and of course, there was Mike. He hadn’t even changed out of his suit. Bright blue tie, as usual. It was pretty much his uniform set by himself. I sniffled and finally invited him in, where we both sat at the dining room table and talked. Well, he ate while I talked.

“I just don’t understand why this is happening! Why me? Why do they want MY parents? They’ve never done anything! They wouldn’t have gotten involved in any huge ordeals. I don’t understand. Not even a little bit. No ideas at all. I’m just lost.”

He was silent a moment. He looked older in that moment. He was only in his early thirties, but the look on his face made him look 40.

“I am so sorry, kiddo. I don’t know what to say. I just want you to know that I’m always here, okay? I’ll be here if you need the support. Also, Don’t feel rushed to come back to work. I will give you personal paid time off. So you can cover your bills and things like that. I have to go, the missus is waiting at home for me. See you later.”

“bye Mike.”

When Mike left, it was silent. I swear i could hear the leaves ruffling in the trees outside. By then it was around 10:00, so i headed up to bed. Again, i called Pippi, but he was staying downstairs for some reason. he did come up for a minute though. He stopped in the door frame and looked around my room and whimpered. He then ran back downstairs like there was something in my room he didn’t like. I admit, I was a little nervous about sleeping after that, because Pippi always slept at the foot of my bed. But I figured it was probably just a strange shadow or something. But there was still a slight hint of doubt in my mind.

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