Roaming Free

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Prolougue: Two 16 year old twins feel like they are living the life of a nobody when their dad gets accepted into the navy. But then, they turn head over heels for the two new 17 year old seniors. Their life is finally back on track. But then the next morning, after playing truth or dare at the Friday Night Club, all four of them get convicted of murder!!! Do you think that they can evade the cops and survive in the middle of nowhere with a little less than $450.00!!!???

chapter 1:

Marissa's POV

"Marissa Julie get up time for school" mom said estatically.

"okay okay we're coming" i screamed

"No not ″okay ″NOW!!!" she argued.

"I know mom we are on our way downstairs" I argued back at her

My mother is an awesome mom. She does and gives me anything that I want. But then there are those times where she acts like a real mother would and acts way too over protective. She has been too over protective evry since my dad got stationed in the navy. I mean I love her and all but she follows Julie and I around everywhere we go like a little puppy. It gets annoying very easily. We trampled down the stairs, grabbed a quick bite and left.

Julie's POV

We waited in silence, when we got to school, for the revolting torture of the day to begin. It never came. Instead joy came to us! The cutest, newest, and youngest seniors at Arizona Prep came up, and greeted us.I mean i thought i was going to melt, i was so excited. But Mrs.Perfect aka: Marissa kept calm and said:

"Hey guys how is everything going?" in the calmest tone and manner that i never knew she had.

"Nothing much" Derek said. Oh Derek the Awesome, Bold, Daring, Kind, Sweet, and Gentle one. Oh how i wish he would ust ask me to go to the Fri-

"Julie, snap out of it" Marissa said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Oh sorry. I guess I was just day-dreaming" i said frantically

"About what?" Derek asked curiously. I didn't want to tell him the truth but i ust can't lie so i said.....

"The Friday Night Dance.......Are you guys going. Imean we could totally hang out there with a gruop of friends that you can both meet. If that's okay i mean.....uh......." i said losing my mind. I was losing my head......... of course he would say no!

"Ummmm sure. I mean that's actually why we came here. But we were wondering if you guys would be our dates for the dance,............... and if we could hang out alone???" Derek said with a smile growing across his face.

"Give us some time to think okay..........???!!!" Marissa butt in.

"Okay sounds nice. Just let us know by the end of the day, okay?" Derek said leaving

"Okay we will." Marissa said calmly.

Marissa's POV

"What are you doing?" Julie said in a loud manner after Derek and Jake left.

"C'mon..........Don't you know that you're supposed to play hard to get?" i told her shocked she had no idea what i was talking about.

"Uhhhhhh......... Nope. Why???" she said as clear as crystal.

"C'mon you can't honestly tell me that you don't know that you dont care........" i said frustratingly

"Well i just did" she said pleased that she was right. "C'mon we have to get to class.


"So Julie........" i asked

"What do you want" she asked already understanding my tone.

"Do you know what your gonna wear tonight?"

"Nope you" she sked


"Hmmmmmm. lets wear something that's the total opposite so that the poor boys dont get confused." she said. i mean seriously who would get confused. we have two totally different personalities. Julie is the quiet goody two shoes one who gets everything finished before it's even due. She also obviously doen't get the phisics of boys, i mean seriously she talks about boys in her sleep but has never actually gone out with one before. Who does that i mean it's so strange. If you like the guy then go ask them out before you get your heart crushed.

Anyways, im the bold and daring non-shy one. i dont have straight A's i attract many boys, and i hardly get nervous. But sometimes i hate myself. I mean sometimes i get an adrenaline rush and do stupid things that i am not supposed to do. One time i jumped in some random car with a hot guy driving it and got stuck in the middle of nowhere..........

Anyways that beides the point the point. The point was: we were different in our own human characteristics.

"Marissa....."julie said with a tone that obliviously stated that she wanted something.

"Whata" I said.

"Can i do your hair?" she said batting her eyelashes.

"Ummm sure."


Later that afternoon Julie and I got ready for bed. We both took a shower put on a face cream and put some lotion on and huddled downstairs for dinner. We were having spaghettiand meetballs with garlic bread. Mmmmmm YUMMY! I'm the italian person in the family but Julie is more of a mixture of them all. Iknow right weird. Well you kight not think so but I do. After dinner we brushed our teeth and went to bed. We both layed down but couldn't exactly sleep right away so we ended up talking.

"Pssssssss.............. Julie......... Julie" I whispered.

"What?" she asked confused

"Can you sleep?" I responded. Right now sorta felt like one of those moments in a movie when two people just meet and are desperately trying to start a conversation. The only catch was we have been used to each other for about 16 years.

"Of course I cannnnnnnnnn......... NOT sleep." she said catching my breath and having me worried that I just woke her up.

"Shhhhhhhhh" I said in response trying not to sound like a dufus. Whatever I mean we're sisters....well....... We are twins.

"You know sometimes it buggs me when I have to come up here and tell my two 16 year old twin daughters, learning right from wrong from one another, to go to sleep without a further word." Our mom said scaring the pee out of us.

"Yes Ma'am." we both said akwardly.

"Okay good night" she said with a sort of babyish like tone.

"Okay good night mom and goodbye." I said clearly stating I was officially tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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