a hole hospital full of ghosts

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Narrator pov

Michelle was doing her morning excsies when her phone rang '' hello yes this is her of crouse i can get reid of them for you i will be there in five days'' then she hung up. Michelle then went to find the guys '' hey everyone'' hey Michelle '' i got to go get reid of some ghost at an old hosptial that is being torn down'' .

we will go with you Michelle an we have been meaning to tell you we have powers two '' oh'' she said '' great you can help me '' how many ghost are we talking about Tommy asked '' dont know yet untill we get there '' so they went to start packing. once they were all packed they went out to Michelle truck which she brought back from the island an they all got in an along the way Michelle was playing her cd's of none other then KISS an the guys were having a great time with Michelle.

they stoped at a hotel for the night an they all got room but they shared Michelle an Eric Carr, Paul an Gene, Tommy an Eric Singer then Michelle took a shower while Eric was talking with the guys. when he came back to the room he saw Michelle in just a pair of short an a tank top then he saw her tattoo on her leg he sneeked up on her an grabbed her but she flipped him '' oh my god am sorry Eric Carr '' it okay he said.

Michelle pov

i was sitting on the hotel bed doing research oh this old hospital that was to be torn down when i felt some on grabbed me so i flipped who ever it was an when i looked it was Eric Carr ''oh my god am sorry Eric Carr '' it okay he said i then helped him up so what are you doing '' rescearch '' . '' it says that a lot of death happened at this hospital so their may be more then one ghost an it all so say that a nurse went missing at this hospital too''  really he asked '' yea ''.

we then went to bed '' good night Eric Carr '' good night Michelle then she turned the light out an in the morning Eric Carr woke up an saw Michelle was packing her stuff up he then went an got dressed an they meet up with the others an were back on the road again. Eric Carr road up front with me i then told the guys about what i found on the hospital an they were shocked so your saying there more then one ghost Michelle Paul asked '' you got it'' .

we soon got there an a workman told us an we went in but there was no lights so we used flashlights an we split up me an Eric Carr, Paul an Gene, Tommy an Eric Singer we each took a hall away an we had hand hald radio's me an Eric Carr were walking down our hall way looking in every room but we did not find anything. then i heard over the radio ( Michelle i think we found some thing '' were on the way Paul ,Gene did you hear that '' yea were on the way to them now) once we got there they shown there lights on what they found fresh blood '' not good this is fresh'' .

Paul pov

when Michelle said that the blood was fresh we all got scared then a ghost appared in front of us an Michelle used her locket to seal it away '' one down who knows how many more there are'' she said we then split back up again an went looking more around this old hospital. i heard Gene say Paul look at this i then got on the radio with Michelle,Eric Carr, Tommy an Eric Singer (we found something Michelle '' were on the way guys'') once Michelle, Eric Carr, Tommy an Eric Singer came to were we are she said '' this is old but someone is here i think it time we stay together now '' she said i then saw Michelle un hoster her gun straped to her leg .

we all came up on another ghost an Michelle did her thing an sealed the ghost away that two i said to her we keep walking then we came to the operating room when Eric Singer said i smell something Michelle hald her gun in her hand then we went in. we then saw the body of a young girl that was killed Michelle placed her hand on her body '' she still warm she was not to long ago killed guys '' then her ghost appared Michelle then opened her locket an the ghost went in side i then found a sheet an coverd the girl body.

we all were on our gard the hole time then i saw someone out of the cornor of my eye an when i turned i saw who ever it was throw a knife but we all moved out of the way an Michelle fired a shot at them hiting who ever it was in the leg. '' so you are the one that killed the young girl then huh '' Michelle said i then  radio the workmen out side to call the cops an we brought the body of the girl out an the man that killed her then the workmen thanks Michelle for getting reid of the ghost then we watched them tear down the old hospital.

Eric Singer pov

the hole time we were at the old hospital i could see Michelle was not scared at all but i guess she has been doing this for a long time an it dose not bother her i then felt like throwing up when we saw the body of the young girl murder which i did. what wrong Eric Singer Eric Carr asked Me i can't see how this dose affect Michelle like it dose us well you got to relise she has done this before probley even before she meet us.

i guess your right but still then we went back to the hotel an i asked her in front of the others why did the site of blood not bother you Michelle '' guys i have seen far worse then that from my time on the island ''. what was the worse thing you have seen Michelle i asked her '' let me think the worse thing i have seen would be when i went to help the work men clean up when an engine ran over someone at the time i was still getting the hang of my powers an ables '' .

when she said '' i could not even look at the site of blood but now it dose not affect me now '' wow we all said '' an back then'' she said  '' i would get nightmares too '' then she went her an Eric Carr room an we all went to our rooms an to bed . in the morning i woke up an went to splashed cold water on my face what wrong Eric Singer Tommy asked nightmare i told him wont to talk about it not really am going to go talk to Michelle about it i then found her an told her about my nightmare.

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