At Tristan's

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I want you... Give me all of you... Don't stop...

That's what happens when your drunk at a bar. I'm Tristan, a lawyer who's never been in a courtroom. It's been three and a half years since I started earning my law degree. and I'm half a year without doing anything but working at the local seven eleven and drinking. I've been trying to not spend a lot of time there but the bar is the only place that I can have a bit of fun.

"Fuck my drink is done" I mumble as I look into my glass that is half way filled with ice.

I look at the bartender and ask for another death in the afternoon. 1.5 oz of absinthe and 4.5 oz of champagne. It's a rather strong drink but I like it.

When the bartender came back, he said something, "This drink is from the man in the booth up there."

I look to where he was pointing at and I saw a rather nice look man. He had a jawline that could give you a paper cut, a tight dress shirt that was rather exposing and eyes that were  green as a lake in the middle of nowhere. He saw me and his smile stretched across his face he motioned for me to come over. Who was I to deny such a wonderful offer. I was nervous walking over, asking myself, why does such a good looking person want me to join them? I'm sure he had other options. As I go to sit down I thank him for the drink.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever until he says "The name's Jacob, what's yours?"

I reply in a manner that hides how nervous I am. "Um I'm Tristan."

Then, he asked me a question that I almost couldn't hear from the noise of the crowded bar, "so why is somebody like you this alone?"

I reply was almost mumbling about how nobody really wants to date somebody that works at seven eleven. I was waiting for a response about how working at seven eleven must suck but to my surprise, he changed the subject right away as if he didn't care. We were talking for about ten minutes until I felt that familiar chink in my cup. That was the sad sound of a finished drink.

I launched myself out of the booth so I could get another as fast as possible solely for the purposes of spending more time with him but he stops me and says, "Let me get you a drink."

He swept out  the booth holding my glass. As I watched him walk, I got a good view of his butt, it looked firm I couldn't keep my eyes off of it but as he turned I had to force my eyes away. He saw me looking, the smile on his face widened like before.

He sits back down and says "If you turn any more red you'll become a tomato." I crack a genuine smile for the first time in forever. It felt amazing. After about an hour of talking back and forth he offers me to join in his apartment

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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