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Charlotte ran in the direction of the park. I hope she can get away in time. Meanwhile, I will go to jail or teens. AKA juvie. Boy this Patrick dude is crazy! I don't trust him for one minute, and I hope Charlotte doesn't either...


I was halfway to the park when I got an idea. I turned around and ran back home. When I got there, Patrick had just came to, and putting Darry in handcuffs and Johnny was already in hand cuffs. "Wait!!" I shouted. "I can make a deal with you, but only if you take them out of handcuffs." The hand cuffs were off in a minute. I took a deep breath and started talking. "I will go with you, but only if no one goes to jail or give and the Curtis's get to stay together as a family." I finished. Every body started shouting, Johnny the loudest. "No Charlotte! You can't go! No Charlotte NO!!!!" Patrick smiled. "Now, go pack your bags, we have to leave in an hour." Tears streaming down my face, I pulled out my school backpack and in ten minutes I was done. I hugged everyone goodbye and got into the car. Then, it drove away, leaving my old life behind, heading to a horrible scary new life. Never to see my family, who actually loved me, again.  

"Charlotte darling!!!!! I've been looking everywhere for you! Where have you been?" I smile. "Mavis I missed you to, but you could've sent a better person to get me, this jerk will not stop talking!" I was happy to see Mavis, but not in this situation. A visit to the orphanage would have been better. Mavis hugged me and I tried not to gag at all the perfume she was wearing. "Oh Charlotte, you're skinny! When I last saw you, you were like a watermelon!" Mavis exclaimed. "Mavis, you were the watermelon!" That shut her up. She pressed her lips together in a straight line. "Well, you know where your old room is. There is two other girls there, they will help you, uh, accustom to the orphanage. Patrick, please make sure she does not take any detours."  

Mavis finished, putting an emphasis on detour. I laugh under my breath. She must have remembered my frequent attempts to run away from here. Patrick smacks me upside my head as we walk up the stairs. "Oooooooooooow" I yell. As I hoped, Mavis looked at us from the kitchen. "Did someone get hurt?" She asked. Before I could tell her Patrick interrupted me. "No Ma, just scratched my hand on the stairs" Oh how I hate him.

Finally we got to my old room. When I opened the door, I saw two kids. They looked like twins and about 9. I scanned the room. Oh how I missed it. Not. Small, ugly, one window facing the ugly lake and the worst part, the walls. Moldy, crumbling and stained with something mysterious. Home sweet home.

A/N      Yeah, back at the old orphanage. Didn't want it to happen but it had to be done. Sorry.

Katy Kravchenko

The Outsiders:Johnny and Charlottes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now