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(Use her a lot, I also have two versions)
Type of RP: Real Life

Name: Evannah Greene

FC: Elle Fanning

Age: 26/27

Likes: Hanging out with her kids, reading a book every once in a while, Adopting children and giving them good homes

Dislikes: Her kids getting hurt and not wanting to be with her.

Personality: She's one of the most clumsy people you'll meet, She's smart and wanted to be a teacher someday but that never happened (yet), She's kind to her children and pets.

Clothes: On special occasions she will wear a dress and tie her hair back a bit. Normal is just when she has a grey shirt and jeans.

Other: She has three cats that distract the children and play with them, they are all declawed (as of now) and are named Jingle, Belle, and Noel

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