FOR|\/| [closed]

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As of right now, HistoryClan is not accepting anymore admins. However, there maybe be positions that open up later on.

Here is the admin form, please answer all the questions or you will not be considered.


|| What is your username?

|| What would you like to be called?

|| What do you specialize in? (i.e. Fanfiction, spoofs, art)

|| How do you think you could improve HistoryClan?

|| Some information about you

|| Who is your favorite historical figure?

|| Who is your favorite warrior cat?

|| What is your favorite food?

|| your gender

|| how much time you can spend on Wattpad each day


|| you must have the app Text2Group (please do not use your personal one, but one for chatting with the other admins on this account) [also, this app requires for me to have you in my contacts. This means I will need your email address as well. You can PM me this info]

|| you have to read the rules page and agree to follow the regulations [do not forget the code;]

|| please do all of these things, then you will be considered for a position

|| must know Wattpad relatively well

|| thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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