Late night friends.

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Jamie sat in his bed wide awake. He could not stop thinking about the possibilities of what his father had been ticked off about. He looked at the clock that said wrote "12:07 am." He threw his head into his pillow tossing and turning just trying to get comfortable enough so that he could get some sleep. Thought thought to himself for a moment 'maybe a late night snack will help?' He got out of bed and grabbed his Starwars build-a-bear that had a captain America costume on with a shield in one paw and a light saber in the other.

Jamie slowly opened his bedroom door trying to be as quiet as possible. His sister had a room right next to him and their parents' room was just down the hall. Jamie tiptoed down the steps but when he got to the second to last step it creaked loud! Jamie lifted his foot up quickly and had to skip a step and almost fell in the process.

Reaching the bottom floor he sighed in relief. He then made his way to the kitchen and grabbed himself a small cookie and some milk. He ate it quickly and was about to walk back up stairs when he heard a loud hiss. Startled he almost dropped the glass. Luckily for him he has quick reflexes. He set the glass on the counter and looked around, the hiss had sounded like it came from outside. He knew I was too dark to investigate so he continued to his room when he stopped to hear the sound of a loud scratch.

He walked to a window slowly and hesitantly. He looked out the window into a full field of a pitch black neighborhood. He looked down and saw a small black and with kitten. Jamie would squeal if he could but it might wake up everyone in the house. He opened the window and reached over to pick up the cat. He pulled the cat onto his lap. Instantly the cat was happy and then he noticed that it had no collar or any sign that it had belonged to anyone.

Jamie's face grew a smile when the cat started to purr as he pet it. Then he had an idea. Since he had wanted a cat for a very long time now...and the cat looked abandoned why not keep the cat? He put the cat on his lap and rubbed its tummy.

"how about a name?" Jamie asked the cat," hmm...Felix? No... Casper? Na... 
what about -?!"

"Wait!" Jamie looked out the window to see a girl who looked his age. She had dark brown hair and a pink dress on," he already has a name! He's my cat..." she said. Jamie looked at the girl in confusion. He noticed two cat ears on the top of her head. He handed the cat to the girl. 

"You must love cats..." Jamie smirked. The girl nodded.

"I'm Vivian and this little guy is Paws," the way she said the cat's name reminded him of the movie Jaws! He smiled.

"Nice to meet you I'm Jamie Drews!"

"Wait!" She cried," you mean young master Drews?!"  Jamie looked at her in confusion.

"Young master?"

House of Cats (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now