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Hey, readers! This is a new book I've been planning for a while and I just wanted to give a shout out to a few inspirational people who spark my creativity on a regular basis, pushing me to be better, strengthening my confidence and self-esteem with their kind words and advice. Although one of these I don't know very well, they have still had a profound influence and if I need advice they're definitely the first person I turn to when it has to do with my friends. The other two are among my closest friends, and all three have grandly impacted this story; three of the characters are based off of both the people themselves and who I see as being their alter-egos. (Some of the characters' actions are much meaner, just thought I'd assure them of that part if they read.) Such people include the following:




These people are absolutely AMAZING! ( CherrybombShelby u know I'm right!) Go follow them if you want to follow some really cool people that write really great books and are spectacular authors! But back to what the other point of this was:

I'm sorry for those of you who've been reading my other stories and have been waiting for a thousand years for an update. I am not a good writer (CherrybombShelby don't even think about arguing with me later on that . . . . AGAIN), and my life has just been completely catastrophic recently. I haven't had the time to do much anything creative on here and my education, chorus, and best friend are always my top priorities, and they eat my time faster than CherrybombShelby eats French fries, which happen to be one of her top three favorite foods. Cut to the chase, I apologize to anyone and everyone who read my books and had been waiting for an update, I will probably be able to update most of my horrible writing after the quarter ends and we get a brief break. But no promises.....my parents will probably drag me to their court mediation, divorce settlement, father-child counseling, blah blah blah KILL ME ALREADY SO MY EARS DON'T BLEED......

So no promises relating to updates except that I will try. Also I will be discontinuing or rewriting my 'Starsong' story, possibly changing the format dependant on whether CherrybombShelby decides to comment or not...as far as I know she's the only person who even reads that one but if you do and you want me to continue it then comment and I'll do it. Hint hint wink wink cough cough nudge nudge COMMENT PEOPLE

Dear people who read this story,

Feel free to comment your thoughts, but if your criticism is anything rude or mean, expect me not to give a damn. I will do whatever I want with this story and it is not up to you unless your name is Ali-Cat. And if you do decide to comment something shitty, congratulations, I don't give a fuck. Teleport me to the universe where I would ever care and see how I feel that some stranger (probably) on Wattpad wastes valuable time and energy just to make a weak attempt to give me grief. If I decide to care for some incredulously ludicrous reasoning my imagination provides, I will most likely take it this way:
If someone puts forth that much effort, I'll be sooooooooo touched that they care enough that *dramatic gasp* guess what? I'm ignoring you! *Said in cheerful, girly voice that only comes out when I'm thoroughly bored*
Listen, if anybody comments on my story saying stuff like "blah blah I'm being mean cuz I feel like it so I'm going blah blah," to me, that's different than "you could improve by doing whatever suggestion I have". The first one is just someone who I'm not paying attention to. The second one I will read, consider, and try to see if I could do that without interfering with the plot. See the difference?
Even if you don't, I do. So to add to what I was saying earlier, I would really appreciate it if you'd give me constructive criticism on anything you find instead of leaving negative shit on my stories. Thx, hun.
Ali-Cat, Alpha she-wolf

This story will be my main priority because I have by far  the most passion for this story and a clear vision for the plotline. This is my favorite story I'm writing except one that hasn't come out yet. Which no spoilers.

I hope that those of you who do decide to read my junk enjoy it, even if enjoying it means you like laughing at me. The way I see it, if you're laughing at me, at least you're laughing.

Hint: don't get too satisfied with most of the characters, as most are thoroughly doomed. You have been warned.

So for those of you who read, thanks. I don't believe in doing something unless it's reasonable, so just know that I try to make my A/Ns important. So yah, c ya! Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Ali-Cat, Alpha she-wolf 😺🐺🇺🇸✝📃💡🎧🎸🎻🎹🎼🎤🎵🎶♦♥♦💧🌚***

***I will always sign off with my name & a different chain of  those ^ emojis bcuz they bae OK bye

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