Who likes going to school? who enjoys when their teachers let them do something fun while learning? let me tell you a story, I once was listening to a radio and they called a man who was 60 and was finally allowed to go to school. You may not think you are lucky, but as a matter of fact you are one of the most fortunate in the world. Not only do you have shelter, food and water but you are educated. Some people have been dreaming to go to school their whole lives. But now as you are listening you might be thinking "what do we have to do with this"
This is the answer
Those people can't help themselves, we can help them, I am not saying that you can't buy the newest Xbox, a dollar or two is all you need to do. I new a man that was helped and educated now he works in Africa healing Ebola. So I ask you what If each of us put in a dollar for charity, imagine what a difference that would make.
Thank you.
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