the house of thai

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Om-am (in the house )
Om-am were going to show here scripts nd she was thinking that she will soon become a script star  ....
Om-am ....
Om-am .....
Please sit down (scripts seer)
Om-am said ya
Om-am show her script ....

Mike was outside the were Om-am is ,mike came to meet annie , annie was a fashion designer she was dressing up the dress
Mike was a in car calling to annie . mike was outside the fashion designer, were Om-am is were near to that fashion designer place ( next to that ) mike call to annie
Mike: hello! Princesses who are you
Annie : hello im fine
Mike : are you free then we have a breakfast
Annie :a... No im not i have work ...
Mike: oh okay then byee
Annie : byee

Om-am shown here script to lady she read but she told that was no so interesting
Om-am : huh mmm.. (Sadly) leave from there
Mike was also sad he move from there
Om-am was sad that now this scripts was not also interesting . she is really hungry she had a breakfast
Her sister came mia
Om-am : ooo ur here come have some food
Mia: ye , ahum this food is not really good
Om-am: huh ? But i like it !
Mia in his job
Mia : shoping her coffee
Please drink this coffe this coffee is good for health , skin . thjs make u fell good .
Then pia came
Pai : hey ! Honey
Mia: hey .. Hmm how come here ?
Pai : i have a good and bad news ... Let me strt with first good news aa.. I  will spnd more time with u..
Mia : really but y ?
Pai : brcause i have lost my job ( in hurly said )
Mia : what ? Nooo
Pai : i will find my job
Om-am: ( in her house a.. Call came from a bank )
Bank: there is a loan taken by the mia the card was expire
Oh k
Om-am call to mia
Mia are yo take a loan because im not having a card
Mia told okay i will call u back
Mia told to pia that the loan was not given
Pia ooo aa i will take a money from mom okay
Mia: ok
(Mia at home with his bf
Mia had a call she recive )
A owner assistant :mam can you sell a ur home u will get a huge amount
Mia : No no we won't sell this house im sry
Pai : mia who was there
Mia : an owner who want to own my house
Pai: whhaattt , then y r u telling no
Mia : what ? No we wont sell this , this is were we bron
Pai : soo, look if sell this house then we give back a loan 
Mia: what about Om-am ,  she won't allow to sell this house 
Pai : we'll not tell her i mean we will give 2 knights to korean
Mia : no noooo i will not tell lie
Pai : we are not telling lie we are hiding after settling all thing then we will call Om-am okay
Mia : aa umm
Pai : ooo come on this ri8 okay !
Mia : okay

Mike was sadly go to home
Were him boss assistance were singing  a film in whivh mike was an hero
But mike not liking this
But her boss was telling to go korean he was not ready but he go

(Bell ring she open the door)
Tanatada said bye mia nd pai
What is going on are u playing game told Om-am
Mia : no no ..
Pai: u won a korean place to go there of 5 days
Om-am : what but ...
Pai : u r lucky
Om-am : really
Mia : yes u have to sign here so that the contract will .....
Om-am : ya , where to sign
Pai : here
Om-am : yeah I'm going to korran om so exited
Mia : ya
Om-am : im lucky i have such a sister ..


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