Dark Wolf

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Dark Wolf





Hi my name is Aleera I'm 23 years of age Green eyes,Brown hair and I'm a Werewolf but I haven't always been a werewolf.I would like to tell you how my ordeal began.










Chapter 1


Jan 14th 2011: My husband and I had been discussing what to have for dinner. After about a hour I gave up and went to play on my PC. Finally after bout 10 mins my husband yelled "Baby I'm hungry". "Are going to go get something to eat"? "YES"!! So I found my keys ask my youngest son if he would like to go and rushed out of the house. We had been having bad storms all day long. Clouds hung low in the sky covering the moon you know like in those 80s horror movies.I begin to drive down the road I thought to myself. "WOW What a spooky night". I was so deep into that thought. I didn't see what appeared to be a large dog run right in front of me.I veared so hard to the right that I flipped my Explore. "Josh! JOSH! JOSHUA!!! He was all I could think of. I screamed for him I couldn't find him. Had he been tossed from the car? I manged to get my door open I crawled out still Screaming for Joshua. I looked I still could not see or hear him. Then I saw him laying about 300ft to the side of me was my son. As a ran to him I heard rustling in the bushes I wasn't sure which way it came from it seem to be all around us.Picking up my son I turn back toward our house. After what seemed like forever we got to the top of the hill. "LIGHTS!, HOLD ON BABY we're almost there" AHHHH!!! Joshua goes flying out of my arms. "What the hell was that? JOSHUA!! there he is I have to get to him. I couldn't get up so I scoot my way to him. Just a few more feet. BLOCKED!!

BLOCKED!! by what I couldn't see the storm was back the rain was almost unbareable It had blood red eyes. I heard it growl warning me to stay away from it's prey. (MY SON!!) I yelled has loud as I could but noone heard the Tunder was to loud. I stood knowing that even though I could not see this animal what it was. A WEREWOLF! It was going to kill Josh. I have to do something. Running at the werewolf I ram my car key into it's snout. Howling with pain it turns away long enough for me to grab Josh and RLH (RUN LIKE HELL). Turning back to look there it is hot on my feet. Making it into my yard a scream. "RAY! RAY! HELP ME"! With everything left in me I toss Josh on to the porch.Just as the Creature bites down with a vice like grip on my ankle.

Will upload more later this story was written by KNWS and brought to you by www. collectey.com

Thank you for reading hope u like it so far.

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