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Vincent opened his eyes and groaned, stretching his arms out from underneath his light sheets.

He ripped off his sheet and tiredly walked to the center of his room, naked, looking around for a pair clean boxers. He locked his hands behind his back and stretched again, letting out a pleased sigh as his back cracked a little. He let go and made his way to his dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers, putting them on and continued to get dressed. When he was finished, he grabbed his phone and his bookbag, opened his bedroom door, and headed downstairs to sit at the kitchen table, where his mother was making breakfast, while his father was under the sink, trying to fix the pipes.

"Mmm smells delicious, Mum. What are you making?" Vincent walk over near his mother, kissing her cheek before sitting down at the table.

"Your favorite, dear. Eggs Benedict with mushrooms and some baked beans! Could you tend to your father? He seems to be having trouble with the pipes."

Vincent looked down and over to his father, who was madly yelling and banging against the small doors of the sink. "Bollocks! This bloody thing won't stop fucking leaking. I told you we should've called the plumber..."

"Da, you just-" Vincent started before his mother cut him off with a pithy smile.

"We don't have enough money to pay for the plumber, remember? And watch your language, yeah? It's not good to be saying those things around the kids. Right, Viv?"

Vincent's sister, Vivian, looked over at their mother and gave a fake smile, "Of course, Mum."

Vincent climbed down under the sink with his father. "Da, all you do is... tighten this... turn this... take this out... and there! All fixed." He got out from under the sink and returned to his seat, followed by his father, who did the same.

"Jesus, boy! I don't know how you did it! You just saved us £100. Well done, we should have you fix up everything around here!" He smiled at Vincent, who smiled back in return.

"He can do that after he finishes college and university, right Vincent?" His mother looked over at him from the stove.

"Right Mum," he replied as she walked over and set the family's now ready breakfast in front of them.

"Eat up, you ALL need to be on time today." She looked at Vivian and Vincent. "It's you two's first day at Roundview College, and you can't be late." She looked over to her husband. "And Arnold, you need to be on time to work today, I talked to Mr. Bateson's wife Tiffany, and she said that someone in your department will be getting a promotion, so be sure that's you."

Arnold looked up at her from his plate of food, his head shaking. "Pamela, you've been hearing rumors like that for two years now... they'll never promote anyone in my department, especially not me. Stupid twats...."

Vivian and Vincent quickly finished their food, grabbed their bags, and washed their plates. "We'd better get going before we're late, right sis?" Vincent looked over at his sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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