Random Notes to Anyone- 2

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It has been a long day. Still in my first period class but still has been long. Gonna be in here till 12 so gotta do something. This morning when I was on the bus I had this impulse to push this girl off of the seat. Like, she wasn't really doing anything... she is just so annoying, you know? Wish I could sit alone on the bus. It would make me pretty happy. Wouldn't have to deal with stupid people. Or at least sit with someone I actually like. Texted someone about that and he was like "Can you not text me in the mornings? It wakes me up, sometimes from a really good dream, and makes me cranky." Yea, like that's super important. Pissed me off a little. Like, really? That's what is so important to you? Oh we'll. I'll get over it soon. Just... probably should delete the text when I can cuz seeing it would make me mad again. Gotta candy cane from my teacher. I wanna eat it but also wanna wait till lunch, which is like... a hour and a half away. My next class is theater. I love that class. Only issue is I know I'm gonna end up sad cuz of a dick named Josh. He just... fucking sucks. Not gonna go into details but trust me... he really does. Oh! Forgot to tell you, this is exam week so that's why I'm stuck in here til 12. Having a Christmas party today after the exam in theater. Also doing secret Santa. Been doing it for two weeks and gonna find out who is our secret Santa is, too. Well... I'll write more when I get home.



So finally have time to write. The end of the day has been okay I guess. Got candy from my secret Santa. It was a guy named Jacob. Kinda though it was him. Don't know why I thought that but yea. Aspen pissed me off, like she always does. Her a Josh always flirt and she bitches about it. Like, if you don't like it then maybe, just maybe, DON'T FLIRT BACK! Gezzz... think I did good with my exam in theater... Like I knew all my lines, blocking, and thought I was louder than I normally am. Was really hyper, too. Until Aspen and Josh pissed me off. Well... don't know what else to say so guess I'm done for today.

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