Chapter 6: "Research"

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Derek Hale. How come I didn't realize it before? Derek Hale whose family died in a fire when he was 16 and his uncle was put in a coma. He was the only survivor of the fire meanwhile Derek and his older sister Laura were at school. They said the fire was cause by "electrical" problems, but I know that wasn't the case. Allison's aunt, Kate, was the one who started the fire. She recently died but not before my dad found out the truth about the fire.

Derek is the only living Hale. His uncle was also killed, the same night Kate was. I'll ask Stiles later about what happened.

The research I'm doing is on the kanima and the teenage boy named Jackson. Luckily there is only one Jackson in Stiles' grade and his name is Jackson Whitmore.

It says that Jackson was adopted because his parents died in a car accident before he was born and the doctors had to give his biological mother a sea section so he wouldn't die as a fetus.

The kanima, on the other hand, is a little more difficult. All I found out was the same thing Stiles told me, that the kanima needed a master and the master would control it and have it kill people. From the website I was on it said sometimes the master would become evil because they were killing people out of revenge. Maybe I could call my grandma, maybe she's dealt with this before.

I wait for her to pick up but her phone goes to voicemail.
"It's Clare Sorcière at the beep please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
Awe man! She didn't pick up. There's only one more person I know who I could call...........
Please don't pick up, please don't pick up was all I was thinking. Of course with my luck he picked up.

"Hey if it isn't my favorite non-witch.", said Damon Salvatore.

"Hello Damon, my favorite vampire.", and with that I laughed and realized how much I missed my best friend.

"So what can I help you with beautiful?"

"Have you ever heard of something called a kanima?"

"Yeah in legends and stories. Why? What's wrong? Did he find-"

He wasn't able to finish because I cut him off.

"I'm fine it's a long story but the short version is there is a kanima in Beacon Hills and I need to know how to stop it, not kill it."

"Awe but that just takes out the fun."


"Alright fine. I heard of something but I don't know if it's true."

"Cool, I'm all ears."

"You need something that holds a deep meaning to the person. Something to remind them that there is a human inside somewhere."

"Okay got it. Thanks I got to go and find out how to cure the kanima. I owe you one big time."

"Hey! Don't I get more than this! This is a lousy phone conversation! I wanna talk to my best friend that I love so much."

"Damon time doesn't stop for me like it does for you. I got to go but I promise I will call soon. You know that I don't break my promises."

"Yeah I know. Okay, bye beautiful."

"Bye Damon."

Then I hung up and my eyes got watery remembering my best friend. You don't realize how much you miss someone until they are gone, like my mom and Damon. I better text Stiles.

Me: Hey found out some new info. is now a good time to head over?

Stiles: yeah sure but we are in the old abandoned train station, also Derek's place.

Me: ok see you in a bit (:

Off to Derek's it is.

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