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Two words, Finals week. Those two words alone could make any creature want to cry. It doesn't help any having a schedule that is complete wack. Monday is a normal, horrible Monday schedule where you have all 7 classes and a half and hour lunch period. The 3 days after Mondays when the real hell begins. You go to your first hour and your stuck in that room for 2 and a half hours. You can't Leave the room to go to your locker. You can't even leave for a potty break! Which is completely stupid, if I have to pee you better let me go pee. You cannot tell me when I need to pee. If I need to pee I need to pee and that's final.

After you're in that class for what feels like an eternity you either go to lunch or your fourth hour, depending on which level your fourth hour class is on. Mine being on the top level I have first lunch, and like a normal Monday schedule, you have lunch for half an hour. Then you have to go to either your fourth hour or lunch, again, depending on the floor level. Since I have first lunch I had to go to fourth hour. (Which is a class you have to go to everyday during normal scheduling) me being the lucky person I am have geometry. please note my heavy use of sarcasm. Thank you, it is greatly appreciated. You only have to be in your fourth hour for 45 minuets during finals though, which is a good and a bad thing. She takes your phone away at the start if class, like most teachers, but unlike most teachers I have she doesn't give them back until the bell rings. She doesn't even let us take a tiny nap when were done for crying out loud! I want to call her a sick monster but I know that some schools do have it worse. Oh screw it, I'm allowed to wallow in self-pity! She is a sick monster! She's not even that good of a teacher. I swear, she's out to get me; if I raise my hand to ask a question she just ignores it. But anyways, where was I again... oh yeah! After fourth hour you go to fifth. And it goes on through out the week like this until all of your class finals are done. Then you get your scores and sometimes it feels like all of that studying was for nothing. I know, right now I probably sound like that annoying kid in class who always complains about everything and is a total Debbie downer, but I'm just tired, okay? I have been studying and studying, until 3 in the morning most nights. I'm done with finals week. So D-O-N-E.

'Stop being so melldramatic'

Ugh. Stupid brain. Can't you just shut up for 5 seconds?

Man, I really need to get out of this class. I'm starting to go crazy.

Currently it's fifth hour, two more days and I can go home, sleep in the next morning, and watch as many seasons of Psych I can before break ends.

Okay, this headache is too much.

'You can't leave the class, you dummy'

It's an emergency though! Mr. Stalince can't tell me no if it's an emergency trip to the nurses office.

I really am going crazy.

"Mr. Stalince?" I whispered as I approached his desk.

"Ahh, Miss Blake. What can I do for you?"

"Can I take the pass?"

"Now, you know the rules. You can't leave this class unless it's a dyer emergency."

HA! Take that brain! He can't say no if it's an emergency!

"I need to go to the nurse, I stayed up until 3 last night studying for this final. I'm starting to get a extremely bad migraine, and it might be because I missed so much sleep last night."

"Dakota, you know the rules about fallacies. If you want to go to the nurse come up with a better excuse. Your using the "Appeal to pity" fallacy, I will not allow you to go until you fix your mistake. Please go back to your desk."

Ugh. This is just fabulous, and we still have over an hour left in this class!

As I took my seat I noticed that there was a folded piece of white, lined paper sitting in my notebook that hadn't been there before. Curiously, I opened it.

'Awwwweeee does poor miss dakowa have a headache... Oh you poor baby! Do you want Mr. Strong and sexy, Parker to kiss it and make it all better?'

I turned around in my seat and glared at him. He's so lucky looks cant kill. He would be so dead right now.

"Oh, get a life Parker! Seriously! your the most obnoxious human being, or what ever the heck you are, (Nice one Dakota.)I have ever meet in my entire life! Leave me alone, would you?"

"Oh, shut up. Everyone knows you want a piece of this." he said motioning to his body.

What the actual heck.

"Ugh! You are so impossible!" I exclaimed while turning back around in my seat and putting my head in my hands trying to block out everyone and everything. Stupid headache.

If I havnt said this before, I'm going to say it now. I hate finals week.


So.. Not very long, still needs to be edited. But it's a start. Hahaha tell me what you think!


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