The Love Games(Harry Styles)

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The jerkface is in clear view. I'm sure he thinks I can't see him, but I know he sees me. Good, this ought to be fun. I ignore Jerkface and walk towards my little boy toy and give him a smile. He's exactly where I want him to be. Perfect.

"Hey sexy." he says giving me his "dazzling smile" It takes every ounce of energy in me to not roll my eyes. He thinks he is winning me over and that I am madly in love with him. Puh-lease. We all know who loves who.

"Hey baby." I say sweetly, hiding every ounce of bitterness I have for him. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses his lips against mine.

I tense. All the times I've had to makeout with assholes and I'm still not able to do it without tensing, but I kiss him back nonetheless.

I feel him begin to pull back but I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him back to my lips. If I'm going to make a show might as well make it good. I bite his bottom lip, not hard enough to hurt but definitely enough to get him going. He begins to kiss me back roughly.

Oh I can just imagine the pain Jerkface is feeling right now. Seeing "his girl" kissing another. Oh how I love the games I play.

"Alison what the fuck?!" I hear Jerkface shout over the loud pumping club music.

Alison? Who's Alison? Oh yeah, me, duh. As if I would give this jerk my real name.

I turn around slowly. I try to give my best omg-I-can't-believe-I-got-caught-cheating face. It must have been pretty good.

"Are you surprised to see me?" he says angrily.

Umm no, not really. I mean I kind of planned for you to be here.

"I...I...I am so sorry." I said trying my best to sound torn and defeated. It sounded pretty believable. Someone give me an Oscar right now.

"How could you do this to me?" he said sounding broken. Awww I feel kind of bad....SIKE! Please, the jerk had it coming.

"Umm Jamie, who's this and what are you sorry about?" I hear a voice say behind me ask.


Let's just say I kind of wanted to play two games at once and multi- tasking, not my specialty.

"Ummm." I sat trying to think of a way to explain this. Hell, I didn't even know how to explain it to myself.

"Jamie? Who the hell is Jamie?" Jerkface asks me.

Double shit.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to give away 2 different fake names.

"Ummm." I repeat dumbfounded.

"Wow dude. You come in here raging at my girlfriend and you don't even know her name." Boy Toy accuses while shaking his head in disapproval towards Jerkface.

Uh- Oh. This is going to get ugly.

"Your girlfriend?! She's my girlfriend! And I can't believe she's been cheating with the likes of you." he exclaims.

Ohhh jealous now aren't we?

"Jamie what the hell is going on"

"Alison what the hell is going on" they both ask at the same time.

Here comes my favorite part of the game.

I smirk at them both. They are total suckers.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the players got played." I say ruefully. They both give me confused looks.

Ugh. Guess I have to clarify a bit more.

"You two are both players correct? You" - I say pointing to Jerkface "broke poor Emily's heart by cheating on her with her best friend" his eyes widen and he begins to look everywhere but me. Wimp.

"And you"- I say pointing at Boy Toy "humiliated a girl named Cathy by pretending to like her, sleep with her and then acting as if she didn't exist." I say tightly, giving them both looks of disgust.

I stand there waiting a few moments to let what I just said sink in.

Finally one of them talks.

"So your telling us that you got us to fall in love with you, just so can break us in the end?" Jerkface says.

Ah, now their getting the picture.

"Sure did." I said matter-of-factly.

Boy Toy finally speaks, and trust me he is not happy.

"What type of sick game is this?!" he shouts, clearly upset.

I smile ruefully. "That would be the love game, now consider yourself played."



The NEXT chapter will be of her hearing of Harry's endless heart breaking of girls and the story will start there. I just wanted you to have a insight of the game she plays.



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