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~ 12 months later~

Lady Artemis PoV

I was watching Percy walking around. He had finally got the hang of it. All of the Gods know that I care for the boy, they know that I have adopted him and they give me enough help to get me through but not to much because I hate it when people do that.

Anyway, as I was saying. I was watching Percy walking around my bedroom as he stumbled and fell flat on his face. I heard a strange noise and his shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. Or that's what I thought. I got up and rushed over. As I picked him up I realised that he was only laughing.
"Come one Percy let's go. I want to see how your archery is coming along." It turns out that when Percy had hit that bullseye twelve months ago it was only beginners luck. He was good but not that good.
He would always hit the target. But the target sometimes wasn't the targets we had set up. Or the deer in the woods. It was sometimes an unsuspecting hunter or camper or even God. He would always hit the thing he wanted to. He didn't do it because he wanted to hurt people but because his curious and growing mind often wondered. He would challenge himself to do things he was told not to do.

"Yay!" He shouted. He also liked shouting. And he was good at it. He could already be heard over the top of the Olympian Gods fighting. And trust me that's very loud.
"Not so loud, remember inside voice. Quiet." I told him calmly.
"Shh." He whispered placing a finger over his lips. He stumbled out of the tent and towards the archery range. When he was about half way he stopped and turned. He beckoned me over to him as I was walking a lot slower then he was.
"Archery, c'mon mama."
"Percy, what have I told you about calling me that."
"Um." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't call me mama, I'm not your mother."
"Um... okay. C'mon MiLa'y?" He struggled out.
"I'm coming." I flashed behind him and tickled his tummy. He jumped a mile. I started laughing my head off. He was giggling too.
"Archery!! C'mon." He took off racing towards the archery range. I stood back up and followed still smiling at the little boy.

When we got there I saw all the hunters gathered in a circle. I walked up to them and listened to what they were saying.
"For a Goddess that hates males she sure is obsessed with him." Lily said.
"He's not that bad. And he's only a youngling. He's still innocent." Zoe replied.
"Why are you standing up for him Zoe, he's a boy. He's going to hurt us all it's in his nature."
"If you don't like him, or don't want him here you should of just said so." I said them all, turning away from them and walking towards Percy. I picked him up and placed him on my hip. "Zoe, you're in charge. I'll be back soon."
"Where are you going MiLady?" Zoe questioned.
"Olympus." I simply replied and flashed out.

I reappeared in my Palace on Olympus. I carried Percy out and headed to Apollo's palace.
I knocked on the door.
"Hey sis, wassup? Hey little man." He put out his fist and Percy 'fist bumbed' it, as my extremely annoying little twin brother called it.
"I need you to take Percy."
"I need you to look after Percy."
"What? Like for a night or what?
"No Apollo. For a long while."
"Why sis?"
"Because the hunters, they hate him. They refuse to accept him. I need your help."
"But sis. You love him. He's yours, he's your only child."
"Apollo, don't let him grow up like other males. He's different, and he's still my son. So don't teach him other wise." I kissed Percy's forehead gently and gave him to my brother. "I love you Percy. Thank you Apollo."
"He's heavy. And your welcome sis."
"Oh and he loves Archery. He's quite good."
"Cool, well, I'll sort him out a proper bow." Apollo said placing Percy firmly on the ground. I started to make away when I felt a small tug on my top. I looked down to see that it was Percy.
"No Percy, remember I'm not your mom."
"MiLa'y? Stay."
"I can't. You stay with Uncle Apollo. Yeah? I'll see you soon. I promise. Be a good boy." He launched himself at me giving me a big hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"She'll miss you." He nodded his head and ran into Apollo's awaiting arms. "Bye." I whispered to myself. Percy cried into Apollo's shoulder. I nodded to him and flashed out, but I felt extremely guilty. "Bye, my son."

I reappeared in my tent, I cried silently. It had been twelve months since we found him yet the hunters never said a thing, not to me at least. Even when they hated him, they spoke about it behind my back, that's what hurt the most. Other than losing my son.

Sorry it's short.

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