The Man

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Aston tries to stop Ayu but she's gone before he can. He looks back and sees a man. He sticks out like a sore thumb. He has brown hair that goes to his neck, it spikes on both sides. A lock of hair stands up on his head. His eyes are as green as fresh grass. He has a brown jacket that's a midriff and underneath is a black tank top. He walks up to Aston and glares down at him. "Where did she go. I'll give you a reward if you tell me" The man smiles down at Aston. The man is about 6.5, though he does not intimidate Aston.

"Why would I tell you? Why do you need her?" Aston takes off his head phones and rests them on his neck. "Thats not your buisness." The man makes eye contact. His eyes turn red, but he doesnt know that aston knows what this power does. Aston quickly looks down avoiding the mental attack. "Mind control, all you have to do is make eye contact and tell a demand and the person does it. Nice." Aston smirks and quickly walks off.

The man glares at him. "Fine. Ill find her myself. I've done great so far" The man smirks as he dissappears in the crowd.

Aston looks back, "crap.. What if that girl is in trouble, Ayu was her name right? I should follow him... But where did he go?" Aston thinks as he attempts to follow the man.

At the top of the highest building near them a short man rests as he watches aston. "The love interest... Well, at least I found her. Things will only get worse from here..  But I won't get involved yet... Ill wait to see what this guy will do."

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