Juvia X Gray

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Juvia's POV

Okay, today's the day, me, Juvia Lockser will confess my feelings for Gray, my one and only. I start slowly walking up to Gray, a blush on my face.

"Gray c-can I ask y-you something?" I was shaking.

" Sure." He turned to me.

I was just about to tell him until Natsu came up behind him with a fist of fire and punched him in the back of the head.

"Come on ice princess I'm not done with you yet!"

"What was that flame brain!" Gray turned to Natsu.

I slowly shuffled away, I'll tell my beloved Gray later.

I was walikg home trying to forget the fact that I did'nt tell Gray my feelings for him.

"Hey Juvia, you said you wanted to ask me something this morning, what were you going to tell me?" Gray ran up from behind me.

Oh wow, Gray-sama actually came all the way here to talk to me, he does care.

"This is just the route that I go on to get home." He said not trying to sound clingy obviously.

"Wha-what are y-you talking about?" I said looking down at my feet.

Grays POV

Wow she's a horrible lier, it's kind of cute in a way. I gave her a serious cold stare that made her jump.

"Seriosuly." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why do you wanna know so bad?" She crossed her arms, why did she have to be so stubborn?

"I don't know I just do." I got in front of her so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Fine I'll tell you." She was now angry. "I have a super, mega crush on you." She said this and walked away.

I stood there frozen(PUN!) Did I seriously not notice this, it's so obvious! I faced palmed sighed and walked away.

Juvias POV

I can't believe I told him that. I was literally melting and turning into water. I heard a knock at the door, better not answer, I heard a louder knock on the door, don't move. Then the door busted open and Natsu was standing there.

"JUVIA!" Natsu called out, he had a ball of fire surrounding his hand.

" I walk down the stairs to face him. "Yes...Natsu?" I was shaking.

"What did you do to Gray? I punched him and he just stood there." He waved his hands at me.

"I just confessed my feelings for him." I tried to look innocent. Did Gray seriously care that much. Natsu was about to say something until he got hit upside the head by Gray-sama.

"That's enough Flame Brain." After he said that Natsu smiled and ran off.

"Oh...Hi (Cough) Gray." I tryed to shuffle upstairs.

"Do you actually like me?" He held a cold expresion on his face. (pun intended)

"Yes......" My eyes were wide, my heart was beating, and I was blushing like a crazy person. It didn't help that right after that I was surprised kissed by the man that I loved.

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