Chicago is Never Safe ~ Poly!

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Pairing: Ohmwrecker x Bryce x CaRtOoNz x Delirious

Ohm glanced at the fully-stocked shelves of the store, contemplating whether to take his sweet time or just hurry up and leave. It's not like him to shop for long periods of time, so he decided to try something new and look around more. Ohmwrecker's trips to the store consisted of quick peeks at the items they had in stock and grabbing what he needed so he could get home and record or edit videos. With his continuous busy schedule, he never had time to really get into it. So, being late evening, he had time to, well, take his time.

Ohm found his place in the food aisle, and grabbed a few large bags of chips and candy. He usually snacked on them in between recordings and was currently running low. He didn't eat them too often since he limits himself every time he eats the junk, but it's been months so a restock was suggested.

While snatching a large pack of M&M's, he felt the soft vibration of his phone against his leg. He pulled out the cellular device and looked at the dull screen to see that Luke had texted him about another recording session at twelve tonight. He smiled, the thought of talking with his boyfriends again making him content.

He texted back with 'Sure. I'll talk to you later, devil boy <3". He waited patiently as the bubbles sat on his screen as Luke typed his message.

'Sure thing, bunny baby <3'

Ohm giggled at the new pet name, looking around to see if anyone heard the girly noise. To his left was a guy wearing a black muscle shirt, black pants, black shoes, black everything. His pale arms were designed with dark, violent tattoos that could scare any young child from a mile away. He eyed Ohm suspiciously, making Ohm shift uncomfortably and focus his gaze back to his phone.

While, from a far, Ohm seemed like he was paying attention to his phone, in actuality, he was peeking at the suspicious man from the corner of his eye. The man had walked away, rounding the corner to the next aisle. Ohm sighed in relief as he continued with his late-night shopping experience.

However, no matter where Ohm was, the man followed. Every aisle Ohmwrecker went down, the guy would either be at the end of it, observing quietly, or showed up in the next aisle, arms crossed and eyes glaring at Ohm. Yet, every time the two made eye contact, the dude would walk away, no words spoken.

Once he was satisfied with the items he had neatly placed in the basket secured on his arm, Ohm made his way to the register and placed his goods on the table, giving the kind saleslady a smile. He waited patiently as she scanned the items and carefully placed them in plastic bags.

Halfway through, the woman looked up, freezing at the sight of another man standing near their current register. Ohm looked too and saw that it was a different man than the one who was following him, but he was a buffer more fierce version.

"Um, may I help you, sir?" She asked politely. The man simply shook his head, having a blank face and a cold stare.

The lady continued scanning the items and finished a few moments later.  Ohm grabbed the plastic bags, fitting them all in one hand. He thanked the friendly sales clerk and left the store.
Ohm walked into the practically empty parking lot to his somewhat old car.

The footsteps behind him made him turn around quickly, an irritated voice coming out of his mouth.

"What do you want?"

The strong man froze, awkwardly making direct eye contact with Ohm, his arms crossed and eyebrow raised. The man shrugged and walked the opposite direction back into the store. Ohmwrecker sighed in relief and approached his car to put his purchased things away securely in the trunk. He closed the back with a casual slam, listening to the 'click' to ensure him the trunk was locked in place.

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