The older I get,
the more shades of gray I see.Black is black and white is white, in between the two, are all kinds of shades of gray.
There's no really clear right or wrong in all cases.
Each of us experience the world uniquely as our own particular interpretation of events and stimuli encountered which are influenced by our physical brain function, past memories, and present condition.Again and again,
We think we experience and understand the world as it is,
But our thoughts are best beset by our everyday illusions.We write traffic laws and build criminal cases on the assumption that people will notice when something happens right in front of them.
Falsely believing that vivid memories are scared into our minds with perfect fidelity.They cite several examples in which two people witnessing an identical event didn't see the same thing at all.
Each person's rendition is very different from that which was recorded, but each of them are telling the "truth" as they know it to be.
Memories depends both on what actually happened and how we made sense of it.There's no single truth,
But there's only the truth for an individual as they believe it to be - and that changes.Our brain doesn't store everything verbatim like a computer and retrieve and exact replica,
A recollection is a recreation.Our brains rebuilds memories from a few key features and fills in the missing details based on associations and knowledge.
No one can distinguish between what's recalled verbatim and what is constructed by our brain.I would extend this to our present consciousness as well.
We all see the world through a lens coloured by our unique life experiences , past, and present,
And conduct ourselves and make decisions accordingly.
Hence there are very few things which are clearly right or wrong.Sure there are the definite wrongs against other living things and rights.
Again, usually having to do with another living thing,
But I would propose that the majority of everything else falls in shade of gray in between.If reality and truth are different for everyone of us because of our physical brains,
How can I begin to know what is "right" for anyone else?My world and their world are different even if we live in the same city, state, country or even the same house.
Because a religion, a political affiliation, race/tribe, a view on abortion, a sexual preference or a lifestyle is right for me , doesn't mean its going to be anywhere right for somebody else.This makes me have so much more understanding and empathy for others.
I try to view others actions with shades of gray and give them a benefit of doubt,
But for my own ethical decisions...
I try to stick by black or white.I think its certainly possible to be a " shades of gray " thinker and have strongly held personal beliefs (religion and otherwise).
I certainly do in my opinion...Because I find ,
I'm much less stressed if I have pretty high level of tolerance and don't rush to judge people.I think that generally speaking, the more information you gather,
and the more you allow yourself to listen to and glean from people with different viewpoint, the more shades of gray you will inevitable see.Black and White sometimes (not always - definitely generalizing here) goes hand in hand with certain rigidity that prevents people from seeking out more information and listening to others.
They're so convinced that there's only one right way, that they don't see the point of even discussing it.
So it can be a self -perpetuating cycle.I believe that we are meant to live in freedom and love , and eliminate any unnecessary legalism .
I see people who are stuck in strict black and white thinking as people who are bound to the law, because they are trying to prove their worth by following a long list of rules.
I think that the only rules that matters are those that have to do with loving other people.
Everything else is pretty gray and unique to the individual.To clarify ,
I'm talking about areas where there's actually ....
valid differing viewpoint and approach and people just choose not to consider them.I'm not talking about things that have been established as fact.
I'm also not talking about moral /ethical issues.
(Eg. Most people are pretty black and white on murder).There's a right or wrong in all topics
But I also try to be understanding of those who have come to different conclusion.More information help people flesh out their beliefs and know with greater certainty why they believe what they do.
The next time you find yourself thinking that you're right and some else is wrong or just wondering what the heck some one could be thinking, please consider this fact ---- imaging what it would feel like to be in their body ,
With their thoughts and feelings based on their unique journey up until that point in their life.You can do so by taking into account what you know about them and by then,
Formulating understanding and kind guesses about their inner world and how it is being reflected in their outer world.If you do not know them at all,
Acknowledged this difference with compassion and understanding.From my research on what's right / wrong ..... it's just the side I stick to