Chapter 3: Can you hear me?

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*Zoeys POV*

I couldn’t believe it, the cabin was on fire! I stood there frozen for a moment until Martyn snapped me out of my trance. “Zoey! Exstinguish!” He ordered, and I complied. I opened up my hand, palm facing the flames, and focused on the fire. I closed my hand into a fist and the fire went out. The remainders of the cabin wasn’t very much, the entire second floor was gone, and a majority of the first, only leaving the kitchen in tack. We ran as fast as we could to the remains of the cabin, “Toby! Tee!” We yelled. Afaint, “Over here!” was herd from were the livingroom used to be. “You get toby, I’ll listen for Tee.” I said, and Martyn agreed, running over to the carnage. I shut my eyes and focused. “Tee! Are you okay! Where are you?” I thought as loud as I could. In a matter of seconds I got a reply, “Im in your room! Or whats left of it, im stuck under a plank!” I herd, and ran towards what was once my room. I searched through the rekage until I found a tail sticking out from under a plank. “Tee!” I yelled as I pulled the plank of of the dino. “Tee! Can you hear me?!” I yelled as I shook him. “He’s uncontious.” A voice from behind me said. I turned around quickly to see the last person I wanted to. Duncan. But that wasn’t the worst part, standing behind the scientist was the last person I expected to see. And he was holding a knocked out uncontious Martyn and Toby in his arms.


Dun dun dun!!! Who do you think it is? Even though its pretty obvious. What do you think will happen next? Let me know! Bye!

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