Red Raspberry and Lemon

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Matthew's P.O.V

"Hey, son!" My dad says as he entered in my office.

"Hey, dad" I responded without looking away from the stacks of papers in front of me.

"I'm happy to see you too." He says sarcasm obvious on his voice. "Can you at least look at me while we talk?"

I sighed and looked up at my dad "I'm sorry, an Alpha's life is not easy you know? This fucking rogues are getting into my nerves" I said and closed my eyes trying to calm down my wolf.

"Yeah, I know. I was the alpha before you, remember? I know how it feels like, and trust me it gets worse when you find you're mate." He said shaking his head.

I tensed up as the word "mate" came out of my father mouth.

My dad most had felt my change of mood since he smiled and said.

"Don't worry son, you'll find her soon. Just be patience." He says for like the billionth time since I was eighteen.

"How do you want me to be more patience dad! I'm 21! I was supposed to find her the same day of my eighteen birthday!" I shout at my dad.

"I know, but-" he started saying as one of my pack members' voice appeared inside of my head.

'Alpha we have problem, you may want to come to the river in the Northern side of the pack now.' One of my warriors said.

'What happened? An injured pack member? A dead body?' I asked concern for my pack. My dad frown, may be to my face expression, I most be frowning too.

'An injured? Yeah, I even think it's almost dead. But a pack member? Nope.' Said other of my warriors.

A growl scape from deep in my lungs. 'A rogue?' I asked with a barking voice. I not even wait for the answer 'I'm on my way. Don't kill it... Leave that to me.' I ordered with growl shutting the mind-link off.

I stood up from my chair and made my way to the door when my father grabbed me by my shoulder and turned me to look at him.

"What happened?" He asked with a stern voice.

"Rogues." I simply said before running out of the pack house. I shift into my completely black wolf and ran through the forest where the rogue is.

'Fucking rogues! Trespassing my territory like nothing!' I heard my wolf barking in my mind. 'Let me take control of this one! I want to ripe it apart with my own claws!' He growled in my head.

'No, Lycan. I'm taking care of this one. We have to put it on cell.' I said back to him.

Lycan, my wolf, was going crazy inside of me. Rogues have been an annoying problem these days. We had killed all of them, yet they keep coming! I'm tired and so is my wolf.

Hopefully this is going to be the last rogue will see for a while.

'Why the fuck would you want a rogue alive?!' Lycan growled.

'I want to have fun with it before we kill it.'

Lycan howled in agreement and I kept running until we were closer to the river were everyone else was.

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