Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV

It felt quite strange. The taste of blood and raw meat on his lips never quite seemed to be something you could get used to. It tasted sweet, with a hint of iron or salt. It could take him years to describe what it was he was tasting and it still wouldn't be quite the right combination of words to describe it. Truly blood was one of the most amazing things you could feed yourself on in this world.

It had been many many years since he became like this. He wouldn't call himself a vampire, those were overused by books and movies to drive teenage hormones crazy. He also didn't quite fit under the zombie genre though he'd love to eat some souls from time to time. They, shades as they were known to a select view were something more like demons but without the whole fallen angel religious part. All of them, however select their group was, was made up of humans from over the ages all longing for blood and immortality.

His reasoning might have been more on the romantic side. Which honestly, seems almost impossible seeing how he was right now. Ryan was a monster in almost every sence of the way. He was than perhaps any man alive. His eyes seemed to shift from almost a glowing light brown to deep dark pits of black.  Any person would be scared if they got too close and saw the real him.

It had all been because of her. Her golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes that had hold him captive. She had sang to him and turned his stone cold heart soft and warm, and he had loved her. Oh, how he had loved her. She had been his and he had layed his life with hers. And then she died.

She died and left him alone.

Still, he believed that she didn't really die, she could be somewhere else. Even though he, deep down, knew that he just couldn't get over it.

Ever since he gave himself up he had slowly been turning into less and less of a human being with every moon that came and went. And in the end. He'd take it. He'd shoulder it. One day he would find her. One day they'd be together, she'd remember him and they'd grow old together. However much of a fleeting dream that may be.

In silence he moved his body up again, the blue moon was fading from the night sky and soon dawn would break. Their play would be over and all of them would be fed and ready for however long it might take to bring upon the next moon. Normally this would just be a quiet time for all of them. They were not social people and only really came together if their lord and commander requested this of them. But now it seemed he was not alone. He was watching him. He was a genious at hiding, but shades could feel eachother quite well and he didn't seem to hide well enough for him. Did he want him to know he was there? "Brendon." His voice was cold and rough while his dark eyes turned towards his staring through the shadows as he wiped his hands from the blood. "Surely this cannot be a suprise visit from my best friend can it?" He sounded almost cheerfull while his eyes stayed just as cold and emotionless staring into the distance.

"What is it?"

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