Vale Seigel

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The light from my laptop lit up my dark room. A grim look was set on my face as I stared at the website. Five boys stared back at me with smiles on their faces. They looked really happy like everything was going right in their lives.

On this night I should have been happy, but I wasn't. Everyone would wake up this morning with smiles on their faces. Run down to the Christmas tree and happily rip open their presents. While i'll be the only one with a frown set on my face. Everyone would ask why I'm I sad on such a day like this.

What would I tell them? Would I show them the website with the big red sign slapped across it. That red sold out. Or would I just tell them my story of how I never got to even go to one concert. Now when they were coming to my town, I can't even get tickets.

Sucks, doesn't it? That was the only thing I asked for for Christmas. Though I knew I hadn't come close to even receiving it, maybe it was the look my father gave me. He wasn't very fond of my obvious likening for five boys, who he taught couldn't make music. Fathers.

Brushing my brunette hair behind my ear as I stood up and closed my laptop. I'd always found it hard to sleep on Christmas eve. I paused as I heard something outside. It reminded me of the sound of horses hooves, when they came in contact with the cement.

The sudden chime of bells ringing could be heard also.

"Whoa Vixen." A man's voice came from outside. Someone was trying to rob the house on christmas eve, my dark brown eyes went wide."Good boy Rudolph."

Rudolph, Vixen? I must be dreaming. Yeah that's it I fell asleep and I didn't even realize it. Slowly I eased open my room door and poked my head out of it. Glancing right then left I stepped out of my room, making sure the hallway was clear.

I moved slowly as I tiptoed towards the stair case, an unknown voice could be heard. I blew out a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding. Gathering enough courage as I eased slightly down the stairs, to catch a peak of the person downstairs.

A breaded man stood by our Christmas tree with a big red sack sitting before him. He jiggled every time he moved, his rosy checks brought out his blue eyes. He wore a red and white suit with a red hat that had white fur at the end. The typical Santa suit down to the black boots and gloves.

"Excuse me." I don't know why I even brought attention to myself. I'm a hundred percent sure that this is a dream, so why not enjoy it

Hey it's not every day that a Santa clause impersonator sneaks into your house, and leaves presents.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" He questioned, as he turned to me. A warm smile lit up his face, and I couldn't help but return it. I felt as if I was a little kid again about to sit on the malls Santa lap. Except he didn't reek of booze only cookies and milk. Strange.

"This is one hell of a dream." I mumbled, as we looked at each other. The man chuckled, though it came out in a low ho ho ho. Yeah this was definitely a dream.

"You're not dreaming Vale." He respond, as he smiles at me."It's really me."

"Oh yeah." I challenged, and reached out and tugged on his long white bearded .


I gasped and yanked my hand back,"The beardeds real."

He laughed a hearty laugh then said,"Sleep my dear child."

"Wha-" I was cut off as Santa blew some dust directly into my face.

"Dude real-" I sneezed, then sneezed again as my eyes started to get heavy. I yawned as I fell back onto the couch. The last thing I remember before I fell asleep, was the man's warm smiling face.

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