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so the boy then turned to the lion of rage;

so bold, fierce and brave;

he looked from below to this life he can see;

he thought to himself the rage does so boil in me;

so he tried to roar to scare the pain;

he tossed and turned to seem insane;

the peers looked down on him, to the fit he made;

they tried to sedate the rage that they had seen to fade;

the boy tried to fight the sleep;

but the distaste of other was far too deep; 

they tried all they could to keep it asleep;

for if it woke again the world was his to keep;

the ruin that would run wild;

would seem far too much for a mere child;

but the rage boils deep;

so that even in his sleep;

the changes would be so strong;

that even the  world would soon fall;

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